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23.2 deal

I walked through S

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I walked through S.T.A.R. Labs, looking around. It was dark, the place was destroyed. The building had been burned and was lucky it was still standing. I walked into the Cortex, yelling out for Barry, Caitlin, Cisco and Harry. When I got no response, I scavenger farther, walking down to the basement where the portal to Earth-2 once existed.

I screamed when I saw Harry on the ground, his body covered with burn marks, his face charred. Tears filled my eyes as I hesitantly went forward, seeing Cisco and Caitlin also both burned to death. Not noticing Barry, I called out his name. I hoped he wasn't dead.

I went farther into the room to the back where I saw Barry on the ground, leaning against the wall, coughing. "Barry!" I called out, running over to him. When I tried to touch him, he pushed me away. "Barry?"

"You- You killed them," He coughed out, and I noticed the large but marks on his neck and the burned clothes he was wearing.

"No, I- Barry, I didn't do anything," I defend, my hand falling on his arm.

He shook his head, hissing in pain. "I saw you," He says, tears in his eyes. "Please don't do this, Liv. I know you're in there somewhere."

"Barry, it is- It is me," I argue, moving my hand, as I notice the hand shaped burn mark on his bare arm. I watched as it started to spread, Barry's coughing getting worse. "Barry? Barry!"

I tried to stop it but it got worse, and before I knew it, I had accidentally used my powers on him. "Barry!! Barry, no!"

I watched the flames burn Barry's body and I stepped back, my burning hand falling onto the wall. I watched a line of flames travel up to the ceiling from my hand, spreading quickly. I removed my hand, trying to stop my powers and watched as the whole room filled with flames.

My eyes snapped open as I jerked in my spot, gasping as my hand went to my heart. I looked at Barry, who was sitting in the pipeline looking at me worriedly.

"Liv? Liv are you okay? You were having a nightmare," He tells me calmly.

"I- You-" I stop, unable to form a sentence as I tried to control my breathing.

"It was just a dream, Liv. It wasn't real," Barry tells me through the glass.

"I- I'm gonna go check on what's going on with everyone," I quickly say, getting up and heading upstairs, leaving a worried Barry behind.


"Did you see my dad?" Iris asks Cisco. When I came up, the team was driving back. They informed me that we had gotten Zoom back to Earth-2 but they also informed that Joe had been taken with him.

"No, the vibe keeps changing," Cisco says. He'd been trying to vibe the two, trying to find where they were. "It's like my brain is channel surfing or something."

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