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3.3 tanya kuznetsov

"The micro-bomb casing must be made of some kind of a ferromagnetic material," I hear Barry say

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"The micro-bomb casing must be made of some kind of a ferromagnetic material," I hear Barry say.

"Once you hold it steady with the magnet, I can surgically excise it," Cait adds.

"Put the magnet down!" Cisco says as we both walk in.

"This is a really concentrated bomb. It's gonna combust if it's exposed to magnetic friction and an oxidant," I say putting emphasis on the word oxidant. Everyone takes a step back from Lisa.

"What's she talking about?" Lisa asks.

"Air. Uh, the bomb will explode if it comes in contact with air," Barry explains.

"Don't worry, Lisa. We're gonna find another way to get it out. Scientific minds. Can we confer, please?" Cisco says as we both move away from Lisa.

"What if Flash, speed extracts it?" Cait asks.

"Nope, it's too risky," I say.

"I'm gonna find a way to get it out. I just need a little time," Cisco says.

"Well, we need to keep track of Lewis until you figure out how to disarm the bomb," Barry says.

"I wish we knew what he was gonna steal next and when," Cait says.

"Maybe I can get them to tell me," Barry says, "Their tech guy is dead, so I'm betting they're gonna need a new one.... I'm saying I'm gonna infiltrate Lewis' crew."

"You're gonna pretend to be a criminal?" I ask. "You know nothing about infiltration in a criminal basis... Let me help."

"She is a trained assassin," Cisco says.

Barry sigh. "Fine. We're gonna pretend to be criminals. How hard can it be?"

We then walk back to Lisa and I say, "Okay, Mission Infiltration is a go."

"You are gonna infiltrate my dad's crew?" Lisa asks.

"She can handle it," Barry says.

"She's not the one I'm worried about," Lisa says, and then turns to me. "You know he'll find out your identity."

"No, he won't," I say, making everyone confused. "You heard of Tanya Kuznetsov?"

"Uh, yeah," Lisa answers. "Every criminal basically worships her. My brother met her a few years ago." She then mutters, "It's so not fair."

"Well, She may be paying Lewis Snart a visit."


"You are Tanya Kuznetsov?" Barry asks me as I fix my wig in the car mirror. "You know you're wanted in more than two countries."

"Yeah," I say, as I put my face bandana around my neck. "When I did undercover missions in the League, I always wore a wig and face bandanna. People can be really oblivious, and it was better than no one knew who I really was so I wouldn't "tarnish our family rep." Sadly, I wasn't the one to tarnish it. I can't even get hired because my father is a murder. I don't need to add more reasons for people to put me behind bars."

Barry sighs. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize-"

"Hey, Henry is out of prison, that's what matters. I'll find a job... Eventually," I say. I give him a small kiss on his cheek as we get out of the car and head to Snart.

"These visits are getting old," Snart says.

His attention goes to me as Barry says, "Third time's a charm."

"Ms. Kuznetsov," Snart greets, catching on to what's happening- before saying, "I told you, I don't need saving."

"But your sister does," I say. "We know your dad put a bomb in Lisa. Lewis told you he'd kill her if you didn't help him, right?"

"Look don't worry. Our team's working on a way to remove the bomb," Barry says.

"I hope you got that gun of yours ready to blast 'cause-- Who the hell's this?" Lewis says as I quickly pull my face bandana on my face.

"Um, Lenny said you needed new tech. What's up, I'm Sam, so... Heh!" Barry says.

"You tellin' me you think this kid can crack a Draycon keypad?" Lewis asks.

"He helped Snart steal the Kahndaq Dynasty Diamond from Central City Museum last year," I say faking a Russian accent. Lewis' attention turns to me.

"That was locked up behind an AmerTek Industries Phase Three Suppression Door with a Draycon XL-1218 keypad," Barry adds. Sensing his nerves, I discreetly hook my pinky in his, and watch his muscles relax.

"Tanya Kuznetsov," Lewis says, ignoring Barry. "What brings you to the Americas?"

"Police," I answer shortly. He chuckles as if that's supposed to be a joke, but when I keep my face straight he stops.

"How come your here with my son?" Lewis says.

"Your son, and I have worked together before. He's quite the- uh. What's the American word for it?"

"Delinquent?" Barry suggest as I turn to him. No, but I guess that could work.

"Aah, Yes, that. Now Leo here told me you're in for a big heist. I want in on it," I say, very seriously. Lewis noticeably shrinks a little. "Sam is with me. He will help you, if you let me in on the heist." I slip my hand in Barry's- making it obvious- and he happily accepts keeping his eyes forward.

"Yes. Yes of course. Okay, Sam. Let's go," He says, noticing our hands.

"Right now?" Barry asks, making me squeeze his hand.

"You got a problem with that?" Lewis asks him.

"No, all good. Can't wait," Barry says.

"Oh, this should be fun."


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