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17.2 time wraiths

B A R R Y  P O V

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Suddenly the meta-alarm rings and Liv runs in, her suit on.

"CCPD," Thawne says.

"I'm sure they have it handled, right?" I say as Thawne and Liv look at me weird.

"No. You need to go," He says as I look at Liv.

"Come on," She says, before teleporting away.

"Run, Barry," Thawne tells me. I shake my head slightly at the saying and run out.

When I get there, Is we all the police officers there and notice Eddie. "Is everyone okay?" He asks as I look at him, unable to hide the shock in seeing him.


"Barry," Joe says.

I look up from my spot on the ground and ask, "Yeah?"

"You should probably cover that up," He says pointing to the board with information about my mom's murder.

"Oh, right, yeah," I say, going over to cover it up. "Thanks."

Suddenly Liv teleports into the room saying, "Okay, so whatever that Harry Potter-esque thing was, it's nowhere to be seen. I looked everywhere. Literally. Also, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but that- whatever it was- did not seem like a normal meta-human."

Joe and I furrow our brows on confusion as Eddie suddenly walks in saying, "Joe. No sign of it outside. It just disappeared. Hey, Guys."

"Hey, Eddie," Me and Liv say together.

"Any idea what that thing could be?" He asks.

"No clue," Liv says.

"No, I don't know. Not yet," I say. "If I figure it out I'll let you know."

"Things just keep getting more and more strange in this city," Eddie comments.

"Yeah, they do," I say, not wanting to look at a dead man.

"I'm gonna check in with Iris, let her know I'm okay," Eddie says.

"Okay," Liv smiles.

"Great," Joe says.

"All right, see ya, both," Eddie says to me and Liv. Once he leaves, I see Joe and Liv share a look before turning to me,

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