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1.2 video message

"Hey," I say, walking into Barry's Lab

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"Hey," I say, walking into Barry's Lab. "You Okay?"

He immediately comes and hugs me. I hug him back and then he pulls away. "Me? I have super healing. You don't," He says his thumb running over my cheek, where the shard hit me.

"I'm fine," I say, but Barry bends down and kisses the scratch. "Did you find anything out about the meta?"

I don't get an answer because I hear a knock making me turn around and Barry to look up. "I am sorry for interrupting but.. Mr. Allen? Barry Allen?" Someone I know as Greg Turk asks.

"Greg!" I say in recognition. "What- What are you doing in CCPD?"

"I have been trying to get a hold of you, Miss Wells. And Barry Allen," He says, gesturing to Barry.

"This is Greg Turk," I say to Barry.

They both shake hands as Greg says, "I'm an attorney at Weathersby and Stone. I don't usually make house calls, but I've been trying to get in touch with you for several months."

"Yes. Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I've just, um..." Barry starts. "I've been really busy with police work."

"We need to talk about S.T.A.R. Labs," Greg says to both me and Barry. "As you know, Harrison Wells left the property to both Miss.Wells and you as part of his living trust."

"Yeah, which I did not ask him to do, but we've been keeping the place up," Barry tells him.

"Well, It's going to take more than cleaning the floors to retain it, I'm afraid," Greg says. "The facility and the real estate are scheduled to go into receivership at the end of this week unless... you watch this."

"What is this?" Barry asks, grabbing the flash drive.

"A video message drafted by Dr. Wells."

"What's on it? Have you seen it?" Barry asks.

"No. He was very specific. It was only to be watched by you," Greg says giving me a glance. "The device will send me a notification after you've viewed it. And at that point, I'll have everything ready to execute. He also told me to give you this, Miss.Wells."

Greg hands me a piece of paper. "He gets a flash drive and I get a letter. Yay," I mutter, unenthusiastically.

"I'm not going to watch that," Barry says.

"Well, that's up to you, Mr. Allen. I'm only here to represent Harrison Wells' final request. Good day," Greg says before leaving. Barry then drops the flash drive on his desk and sits down.

I go and lean against his desk in front of him and say, "It could be something good."

"It's Harrison Wells," He says. "It's never something good..." I reach out my pinky finger as I hook it into his own. A gesture very familiar to us when we need comfort. He sighs at the contact and asks, "You gonna open yours?"

I look down and open the paper. "41-21-86," I read, and Barry furrows his brows. "Those numbers again."

"They have to be important if he keeps telling you about them, even after his death," Barry says.

"I know but-" I trail off. Suddenly, his screen starts beeping and I turn to see an alert for an unauthorized entry in S.T.A.R. Labs. We share a look before he runs us both there.

We look to see Joe, Iris, Cisco, and Stein in the Cortex. We immediately let go of our hands, them not knowing about us, and Barry asks, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Working," Iris answers.

"So, Caitlin was right," Cisco says, turning to Stein.

"Yes, all humans contain small amounts of radiation due to contact with cell phones, microwaves, televisions, et cetera," Stein explains. "Our bodies are natural conductors."

"I think our meta's been sucking up all the radiation around him and using it to power himself," Cisco says.

"Which is why the x-ray machines at the hospital failed the day of the rally," Iris adds.

"So if we want to find him, we gotta look for places without radiation," Cisco finishes.

"All right, guys, I don't want any of you here right now," Barry says, and I put a hand on his arm to stop him

"Barry," I say softly. "You need your partners. You need your friends."

"I've got you," He says even softer but I shake my head and mouth not enough.

"Barry, everyone in this room cares about you, but we also care about this city," Iris says. "We all want to make a difference, and that means fighting meta-humans, and that means working with the Flash. You can't deny us that. Not anymore."

"Got him," Cisco suddenly says. "There's a three block dead zone near a hazardous waste reclamation plant. It should be blooming with rads, and right now it's at zero."

"That's where you'll find your Atom Smasher," Stein says, making me grin. He chuckles nervously and says, "Because he absorbs atomic power and he- well, he- smashes."

"Come here," Cisco says and hugs him. "That's a great name. Welcome to the team."

"Thank you," Stein replies.

"Great, guys, thank you," Barry says. "You can go now, all right?"

"Barry, you need to let Cisco and Stein figure out a way to stop this guy," Joe says.

"No, I don't," Barry says before running out.

"I'm sorry," I tell them, sadly.

"It's not your fault," Iris tells me. I try to move forward but I notice my hands, handcuffed. Barry what are you up to?

"Barry left his comm system behind. We can't talk to him," Cisco says. "He's on his own." Oh, you adorable idiot.

" Oh, you adorable idiot

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