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9.1 mr. jiggle wiggle

 jiggle wiggle

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The tv in S.T.A.R. Labs turns on as the Trickster comes on the screen. "Flash-y the red-nosed speedster, Had a very shiny suit, And if you ever saw him, You might even want to puke," He sings and makes a gagging sound.

"Merry Christmas, kiddie-winks. Citizens, you know, the holidays can be a time for gentle reflection on the year past. Our ups and downs, our triumphs and heartaches, but don't forget, it can also be a time for disemboweling our enemies. My stocking won't be completely stuffed until it's filled to the brim with bloody Flash parts. So what do you say, speed freak? Want to roast chestnuts?"

"Are there any clues as to where he is based on the video?" Barry asks.

"None that I can see," Cisco says.

"Guys, there's a reflection of something in his cornea, see?" Jay points out.

"What is that?" Cisco asks.

"Not sure."

"That's Mr. Jiggle Wiggle," Harry and I say in unison.

"Come again?" Cisco asks.

"It's a doll," Jay says.

"A stuffed children's toy. I gave one to my daughter when she was six," Harry says.

"I got one from my dad when I was six too," I say.

"Mr. Jiggle Wiggle was manufactured by Okamura Toys... Yahtzee!" Cisco cries. "Okamura once had a shipping facility in Central City that shut down four years ago; it's been abandoned ever since. What if Weather Wizard's there? The wand's not finished."

"The Trickster is," Barry says.

We run there and see Patty. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Same thing as you, two. Trying to catch a murderer," Party says. Suddenly, our attention snaps to a very terrifying singing doll, with the Trickster talking in the background.

"I made it out of clay We can't let Christmas hog all the holiday fun! Happy Hanukkah! Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made you out of C-4!" He laughs as we are surrounded by the dolls. "Put that in your pipe and smoke it! I'm afraid we are definitely looking at closed casket funerals."

"There's nowhere for me to run us to!" Barry exclaims,

"So what should we do?" Patty asks.

I put my hand on Patty's shoulder as she turns to me and Barry grabs my hand. I teleport them both out of there just in time as the building explodes.

"Detective," I say.

"It was all just a trap for you. Mardon and Jesse aren't even here. They're still on the loose," Patty says. Barry gives me a look and I nod as he goes forward to talk to Patty.

We learn about how Patty's father was killed by Mardon but she blames herself. She leaves, leaving us there.


"What's that? Is that Mardon?" Barry asks pointing to the screen.

"That's definitely him. Atmospheric pressure just dropped 200 hectopascals," Cisco says.

"Where?" I ask.

"Central City Square."

"The tree lighting ceremony," Caitlin says.

"There's thousands of people there."

We quickly make our way there with the wand. "Oh, glad to see you. Maybe you can help me," Mark says.

"Help get back in to a jail cell? It'll be our pleasure, Mark," Barry comments.

"No. No, see, I'm trying to decide if I should kill everybody down there with a deadly hail storm, or... little trickier, with acid rain, what do you think?" He asks.

"Ah, let me think, um... How about neither?" I ask. But both would be cool- uncool.

"You see this wand here? Guess what?" Barry start as Mardon falls purposefully off the building.

"Um... guys? He's flying," Barry says.

"He can fly? Since when can he fly?" Caitlin adds.

"Well, he's using his powers to alter the air pressure around him to create pockets of updraft that can..."

"No, he can fly," Harry says interrupting Cisco.

"Liv your wings would be really handy right about now," Cisco comments.

I try harder to reach deep into my powers. My fingers start crackling with embers and I feel the weight of the wings on my back but as soon as I open my eyes, it goes away. "Guys, it's not working, I'm sorry," I say.

"It's alright," Barry says to me.

"Guys, get him!" Jay yells.

Barry runs after him while I calculate where he's going and take the wand there. I zap him with it and he falls to the ground.

"You didn't really think we'd let you hurt all these people, did you?" Barry asks.

"No, of course not, but bet you're gonna let me hurt you," Mark says. I furrow my brows and quickly teleport away to watch from a hiding spot.

I see a box slide next to Barry's foot. "Feliz Navidad! Time for a real war on Christmas," The Trickster says.

"What is this?"

"That is a box with a bomb in it," Mardon says.

"Yup, I've handed out about 100 of them today It feels so good to give," Trickster says.

"You see, right now, there are 100 random children who've each taken home a box just like that one and are shoving it under their Christmas tree," Mardon explains. "There's no way for you to to all of them, even if you knew where to look."

"Oh, no, Please don't do this," Barry says.

"What? Me? Kill 100 families? No, that's up to you. I'm happy just to take your life. So this is how it's gonna be. You are gonna stand there and let me end you. Very publicly and very painfully and I'll let everybody live, but if I see even a little flicker of electricity on you... the casket makers in this town are gonna have a very merry Christmas. So, Flash... what's it gonna be? Huh?" Mardon asks.

"Barry, I'll find them," I say into the comms and teleport to every house I can go to.

I get to a couple when I hear Harry say into the comms, "Liv, Don't worry, we've got a plan."

Soon I see all of the presents flying up to a whole in the sky. When I see all of them gone, I say, "Barry the bombs are gone!"

"Get back to the team," Barry tells me through the comms and I listen, teleporting over to S.T.A.R. Labs.


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