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5.1 doctor light

I walk into the Cortex to see Harry sitting in a chair

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I walk into the Cortex to see Harry sitting in a chair. I walk over to him and then drop a bag of Big Belly Burger on the desk. He looks up and says, "Thanks."

"Yeah," I say coldly, I then turn to leave but stop. I turn around and then say, "You have a daughter right?"

"You finally not in the mood to kill me, huh?" He asks in a monotone voice.

"I'm fighting the urge," I say. "So, you're daughter-"

"I don't know what you're talking about," He cuts off.

"Ok, well does she look like me?" I ask, knowing he's lying. "Wait, never mind, she obviously-"

"No. She doesn't," he says as I furrow my brows. "Maybe I didn't marry the same woman as your Harrison Wells."

I nod and then sit down in front of him. "What is it?" I ask. "You've been looking at me like you know something ever since you got here."

"I don't know anything," Harry responds.

"Ok," I sing as I start to get up.

"You wouldn't happen to have a blue leather bound journal with the initials H.W. would you?" He asks making me freeze.

"Why? What's so important about it?" I ask, carefully. I look at him to see a glint in his eye, as if he knows something.

"Oh, nothing," He says, shaking his head. "I just lost mine. I had it this morning after coming through the breach." Right.

"Well, I'll see you around," I tell him as I hurry out of the room.

I search my workroom for the journal and then take it out. I haven't been able to get through much of it but I scroll through the different chapters in it trying to find something helpful. The second chapter on it has the name Earth-2. I open it up and start reading.

Journal Entry #11

There is no woman in Earth-2 named Tess Morgan. Perhaps it would be least problematic to move her there. Maybe they'll meet again through Zoom one day. Until then, at least one parent of this poor, useless child will stay alive.

I gasp in shock. My-my mom is alive? How? That- it's not possible. Harry knows something. I'll have to ask Harry about this.


Barry had just fought a breacher and then came back to inform all of us. "Her name is Doctor Light," Harry explains. "Small-time thief on my Earth until exposure to the dark matter from the Particle Accelerator and became a meta-human with the ability to derive power from starlight."

"Oh, very cool," Cisco says as I nod.

"Stars having a temperature of 5,300 degree kelvin and a blinding luminosity, I would say, "Not very cool at all," Harry replies.

"You know, our Dr. Wells may have been evil, but you're just a dick," Cisco says as I nod.

"Okay, so obviously, Zoom brought her here from your Earth like the others," I say.

"Mm-hmm. Now that we know that, we can use that to gain advantage," Harry says.

"What do you mean?" Cisco asks.

"He wants to capture Doctor Light and use her to lure Zoom here," I say, understanding his words.

"You are insane!" Jay yells walking in here. "Okay, we are not luring Zoom anywhere!"

"Apparently, they know each other, and Jay is not a fan," Cait whispers.

"Huh. Well, well, well. Like everyone else, I assumed Earth-2 Flash was dead," Harry says. "Why am I not surprised to find Jay Garrick here, still alive and in hiding a full universe away from Zoom?"

"I'm not in hiding," Jay says. "Zoom nearly killed me and stole my speed before the singularity pulled me here."

"Is that right?" Harry asks, examining Jay.

"Yeah, that's right," Jay answers.

"Well, whatever the case, in your absence, Zoom has only gotten more powerful, faster," Harry says. "Barry, you have to defeat Zoom now while you still can."

"No, this isn't the time to be reckless," Jay says. "We don't even know why Zoom sent Doctor Light here. She's a thief, not a killer."

"Zoom can make people do things out of character," Harry says. "Thief or not, she'll kill you."

"All right, look, hey, we can decide what to do with Light later," I start. "First, we have to find her, okay?"

"Hey, how did you know that she was breaking into the bank?" Barry asks Cisco.

"I got an alert on my phone," Cisco says as I raise an eyebrow. He gives me a look as he says, "There is a little ring-a-ding every time, like, there's a robbery at a bank."

"What?" Barry asks.

"But you know what? I think I can get the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite to scan for any irregular solar radiation emissions and we can find Doctor Light's light," Cisco says changing the subject.

"Okay, I'm gonna also call Joe, see if CCPD has any leads. Why don't we keep them apart until I get back?" Barry says.

"I am sure that won't be a problem."

"Oh, hey before I go," Barry says pulling me away.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"So, I was thinking, it's been a while since we've gone out for dinner..." Barry trailed off.

"I would love to go to dinner with you, Barr," I tell him with a smile.

"Okay, great. I'll see you later," He smiles. He gives me a quick kiss on the lips and then heads out.

 He gives me a quick kiss on the lips and then heads out

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