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16.4 blue

"Hey," I say as Barry walks into the medical room

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"Hey," I say as Barry walks into the medical room.

"Hey," I say quietly, after just have waking up from a nap. "I'm so tired."

He chuckles. "Tired? You've been sleeping so much," He says, crouching down next to the medical bed, his chin resisting on it.

I smile. "It's the drugs," I tell him tiredly and he chuckles. "As much as I love this place... can we go home now?"

He smiles, nodding. "Yeah," He says quietly. "That's actually what I came to tell you. We're goin' home."

He gets up, unhooking me from the machine. He slowly puts me in his arms and speeds me home, going slightly slower than usual since I was still recovering. He sets me down on the bed and I lean against the headboard as he turns the lamp next to me, on.

I watch him as he puts blankets over me and sits down in front of me. "Will you move in with me?" I suddenly ask. He raises a brow, examining my face before chuckling.

"Umm- I think the drugs are really messing with your head," Barry says. "Let's talk about this when you're not so dosed up."

"No- no, no," I say, grabbing his hand in mine. "This time it's not the drugs... I want you to move in with me."

He pauses. "Liv, Are you sure about this? This is a big step and I don't want you to rush into it."

"I'm sure. Seriously. You're here 90 percent of the time. I mean, you probably know this place better than I do," I say with a smile as he chuckles. I lean forwards, continuing, "You were thinking about moving out of Joe's place anyways and I- I would really love it if you were here with me."

He leans forwards, our noses touching. "You, are.. full of surprises," Barry says with a smile.

I smile. "Is that a yes?" I ask.

"Yes," He says and then kisses me. My eyes flutter, closing as my hand leaves his and braces itself on his shoulder. He pulls away, kissing my nose as I giggle, looking down.

I jump when I feel a bolt of lightning hit my hand, making me pull away from Barry. We both look at each other. "It's been a while since that happened," He says as I nod with a giggle.

"I think it means I don't have as much electricity in my body than I usually do," I say, remembering something Caitlin told me.

"Oh," He nods, moving closer to me. His hands trail up my legs and grip my thighs, pulling me up against him. I squeal, gripping his biceps so I don't fall back. Our noses touch as I stare into his eyes, biting my lip. His gaze snaps down to my lips and back to my eyes. "And this lightning thing? What? You need at least 50% in your system everyday right?"

"Mmhmm," I say, unable to speak, our eyes never leaving each other's.

"Then let's make sure you get enough of it today," He whispers before kissing me.


"So Eliza just evaporated from running too fast?" I ask.

"Looks like cellular degeneration, same as Jay's," Caitlin says.

"Jay warned us V-9 was dangerous. At least now we know why," Hoe says.

"You find Jesse?" Cisco asks Harry.

"She went out."

"Barry, what is it?" I ask, looking at him.

"It's just right before Eliza disappeared, her lightning, it turned blue," Barry says.

"Blue?" I ask, remembering the color of Zoom's lightning.

"Right. What if it's a side effect of the V-9?" Cisco asks.

"Yeah, but Jay took Velocity-9, and his lightning didn't turn blue," Caitlin says.

"About how fast was he running?" Barry asks.

"Not as fast as Eliza," Iris comments.

"All right, so what if V-9 is what turns your lightning blue?" Barry asks. "I mean, that would explain why Zoom is so much faster than me."

"If that's true, then that means he's sick, right?" Cisco asks.

"He's dying," Harry says. "That's why he wants your speed. He's dying, and he needs a cure."

"Same as Jay," Me and Barry say in unison, sharing a look. We look at Caitlin.

"No," Caitlin says.

"Jay?" Cisco asks. "No. See, he died right in front of us. Zoom killed him right in front of us."

"Cisco, we've seen a speedster be in two places at once before," Barry says.

"Then I guess there's one way to find out," Harry says looking at Cisco.

"I guess now would be a good time to tell you all I've been vibing Zoom," Cisco says.

"What? You... for how long?" Harry asks.

"It started when we closed the last breach. And every time it's happened, I've been near that thing," Cisco says, gesturing to the hat.

Barry goes and breaks the glass, taking the hat out. "We need to know," He says as Cisco grabs it.

"Oh, no. No, no..." Cisco says, as he pushes the hat into my hands.

"Cisco, what did you see?" Caitlin asks.

"I saw Jay. He's Zoom," Cisco says and we all stand there, frozen. Barry then runs out, Joe yelling his name.

I look down at the hat in front of me. I grit my teeth, gripping on the hat hard as I throw it across the room. Everyone jumps as it bangs against the wall on the other side of the Cortex. They all turn to look at me and I quickly walk out.

 They all turn to look at me and I quickly walk out

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