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12.3 vulnerable

"Liv?" A soft voice asks

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"Liv?" A soft voice asks. I turn in my chair to see Caitlin standing outside of my workroom.

"Hey," I say.

"Are you Okay?" She asks, walking up to me.

"Yeah," I sigh. "I should've expected it. Now, I just have to figure out if everything he told me about my mom was a lie or not."

"You wanna talk about it?" She asks sitting down next to me. I nod and she puts her arm around me, rubbing circles on my shoulder.

"I just- I want something to be real. To- to not be a lie. My whole life, I grew up with a lie. I want some part of a real family," I admit.

"You already have one," Cait says softly. "I know that we aren't your ideal family but- we're your family. We'll always be here for you, no matter what. Me and Cisco... and Barry. We're always gonna be here. And you have another family there for you in Star City. I can't promise you your real family but, you'll never be alone. I promise you that."

"Thank you," I say very softly. She nods and slowly gets up.

"You want me to tell Barry that you can't come catch Tar Pit?" Cait asks. "He can handle throwing two objects at the guy."

I nod. "Yeah. Thank you, Cait."

"Hey, don't mention it. If there's any chance that you're mom is alive, we have to find her," She says. "I'll go tell Barry. Good luck."


"You know, it's ironic. I was just saying how much you remind me of the old Wells, and now, here we are, just like I did with him, standing on either side of this glass with me asking you, "why?" Barry asks.

"I'm doing what I have to do to save my daughter," Harry says as sigh in realization.

"Yeah, at any cost, right? The cost of Joe's daughter," Barry says.

"I told you, "I would betray you." I told you, "I would have to choose." Harry says.

"You chose wrong," Joe says as I roll my eyes.

"Really, did I? Because I just sacrificed my daughter. Because I just sentenced my daughter to death to save your son," Harry says.

"You want a pat on the back?" Joe asks as I scoff. Like he wouldn't do the same.

"I want you to send me home," Harry says. "Send me back to Earth-2. Think about it. Zoom wants you to get faster. He wants you to have more Speed Force in you, for when he finally takes it, send me back, use the implosion reactor to shut down the breach. Shut down all the breaches. Close them all and Zoom will never be able to crossover, ever again, and that'll be the end of it."

"Wha- What about your daughter?" I ask.

"Jesse's my battle to fight, not yours."


"This is a sample of Barry's cells after whatever Harry did to them," Caitlin says. "As you can see, not only is it drained of the Speed Force, but it's also presenting itself as chromosomal damage. If Harry kept doing what he was doing, he could have taken your powers permanently."

"Even Evil Wells couldn't figure out how to do that one," Cisco says.

"Well, look, somebody better send his ass back to where he came from or I'm gonna shoot him," Joe says.


"No," I say sternly.

"What do you mean, no?" Joe asks.

"What would we have done if we were in his position? I mean, what would you do if it was Iris locked up with Zoom-"

"Liv don't."

"No. What would you do if it was her? If she was the one it the hands of Zoom. What would you do, Joe?" I ask as he stays silent.

"And Cisco, when Snart kidnapped you, threatened to kill your brother unless you helped, you did, and none of us judged you for that," Barry adds. "We still don't because when it comes to family, when it comes to the people that we all love, we're all vulnerable."

"None of us are above making a wrong decision. He could have done it. He could have stolen Barry's speed, gotten away with it. None of us would have even known, but he didn't, and now his daughter's gonna die and we're okay with that?" I ask.

"We can't just give up on her. We can't give on a world. This is a world full of people who are facing death. I don't know, I may not be fast enough to beat Zoom yet, but I'm not gonna just close the breaches and forget about it. We have to help Wells. Look, guys, I... I was the one that trusted him first. I own that. I let him stay when literally all of you told me not to, so everything that's happened up until this point, it's on me, but this has to be a group decision," Barry concludes.


Wells walks out of the pipeline. "Well... I guess this is good-bye," He says.

"No, it's not. I told you, we're a team. Now you're a part of it," Barry says.

"We're gonna help you save Jesse. We're not sending you through alone. We're going to Earth-2," I finish.

We're gonna find Jesse, beat Zoom and...

I'm gonna find my mom.

I'm gonna find my mom

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