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22.3 group hug moment

The loud beeping in the room catches our attention

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The loud beeping in the room catches our attention. "Cisco, it's your meta-human alert app," Caitlin says as we turn to the computer screen.

"That's the high-rise development on the west side," Joe says.

"Hundreds of people live there," Iris adds.

"Ramon, we're up," Harry says as they get to work. "Let's go. Set that pulse off right now. Allen, you need to start generating that refracting field right now."

"But Black Siren can take down this building at any point," Barry argues. "Wha... all those people, Wells."

"How many more people are gonna die while we wait?" Harry asks.

"Guys, which is it?" Joe asks.

"I think I just got the worst idea of all time," Cisco says.


I was outside, patrolling the cluster of buildings Black Siren was around as Caitlin and Cisco went to talk to her, dressed as their evil, Earth-2 doppelgängers.

When I see the small flicker of lightning running around Central City, I sigh in relief, knowing Cisco and Caitlin won't have to be with Black Soren much longer. "Guys, everything working alright?" I ask Harry through the comms.

"We're a go," Iris answers as I sigh.

Soon, I notice the large frequency wave travel through the city. I smile as I then later hear Joe say, "Guys, we did it. Bring them all in."

"Copy that," Me and Barry say in unison.

"We're on cleanup," He adds as we head over to bring all the meta humans in.


We watch as Black Siren tries to use her scream through the pipeline cell. "What's that?" Cisco asks sarcastically. "I can't... I can't hear you through the double-paned soundproof glass. It's... it's kind of hard to make out what you're saying."

Me, Barry and Caitlin share a look as we chuckle at his antics. "So should we tell Sara and Captain Lance about her?" Caitlin asks.

"No, I've seen what interacting with your family's doppelgangers can do," Barry says,

"It's not even Laurel," I say, crossing my arms.

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