Chapter 1- Three Months Later...

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A gust of wind blew across the empty streets of the city of Nyledell, the Elven Kingdom's capital. The atmosphere felt dreary while the silence brought in a sense of fear and desolation. This city was far from abandon however, it had simply been turned head upside down by its new ruler. The inhabitants of this city were no longer the same, they had been changed and turned into something to fit its new rulers' perspective of freedom. Freedom from the shackles of mortality that bonded them to the chains of Death. In truth, the only way to do so, was to become one with it. Through the stillness that became increasingly uncomfortable if one was to stand in it, a group of steps could be heard, breaking through the inaudible sounds of the night.

"Sshhh, we're making too much noise, I rather avoid attention from anyone."

It was Ryul, the young Elven boy who had spent his time seeking fame that set him apart from other adventures. He snuck across the streets with a hood over his face along with a small group of people.

"Can't help it, my armor makes too much noise. I should have stayed behind and you should have brought Illsevel instead."

Zaos, who clumsy walked alongside his friend whispered as his eyes wandered around the area.

"She's our healer, or at least the closest thing to one, there's no way I was risking her on an infiltration mission you idiot, best to go in and out as soon as possible." replied Ryul.

"Ooooh, I see how it is, you're a sly dog Ryul" Zaos said raising his voice.

"What are you going on about?!"

"Would you two stop arguing and keep moving!"

Keishi frowned at the sight of the two elves discussing something so ridiculous.

"The fact of the matter is we're free so hurry up." he continued.

Marie stood behind them as she observed the situation. She held onto the small dagger that the elves had provided. Her weapons and gear had been stripped from her and all she had now was some ragged clothing the prison guards had provided and this small weapon to defend herself.

Keishi, who had been imprisoned as well, had similar attire and a rusty old sword.

It had been almost three months since Marie, Asahi, and Keishi had arrived at the capital city of the Elven Kingdom. At first, the only noticeable thing was the spirits outside the capital that surrounded the city. Her father, Asahi, believed this was the reason his friend had sent that letter out. They had gone out almost immediately and started taking out as many of those creatures as they could but found out that no matter how many they would kill, there would always be more.

After a month in of having these spectrums outside their city, it had almost become normal for the inhabitants to see them about. The initial fear they had of them was no longer there now that they knew they were harmless. Even more so, adventurer's and even the soldiers for the Elven Kingdom had periodically used them to farm for EXP. It wasn't long before most of the inhabitants of this city realized that they could grow in strength beyond anything before recorded in history. Many of the adventurers who traveled Tyr also came in to stay and reap the benefits of this never-ending experience.

Alas, it was all too good to be true. Shortly after that, the soldiers of the Elven Kingdom started rounding up all the adventurer's and inhabitants of the city were new laws and curfews were implemented. Those that disobeyed were treated as enemies and were killed. If that wasn't enough, even when they were killed, they stood back up 'dead given new life' as they called it. The dead and the living mixed in this city and before anyone knew what was happening; life and death coexisted in the same space. From that point forth it only became worse as families were torn apart from each other as soldier barged in and took people to the castle.

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