Chapter 53- Locked in the Mer

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[Congratulations You are Now Level 36]

[Congratulations You are Now Level 37]

[Congratulations You are Now Level 38]

[Congratulations You are Now Level 39]

[Congratulations You are Now Level 40]

[Congratulations You are Now Level 41]

[Congratulations You are Now Level 42]

[Congratulations You are Now Level 43]


Ahhh, it's a little fun watching my level suddenly rise so fast. I wonder what this means for the stats I should have. Guess it doesn't really matter considering I have infinite right now. It's affecting Himari right now so.

Kami half-heartedly smiled at the idea that Himari was more than likely too lost for words on her sudden increase in strength. The notifications continued for a while longer as he made his way down a corridor he had not previously been in before.

The halls we're colored light aqua blue and had bright dots of colors spread across it. They were wide and spread across, with rooms that seemed to be divided only by a light invisible barrier. There were many faces of other creatures that were not human, but could easily indentify now that he had his Omniscience on.

The colorful place seemed almost like a playful tone to the situation he currently found himself in once again. He was beginning to get quiet used to this type of treatment at this point and could only help but chuckle as he looked down at his hands and found them being restricted by a set of shackles.

These shackles were a bit different however than the usually clanky metal ones that rattled as he walked by. They were made of some magic force that was native to these people.

He glanced up over his shoulder as two Mer' guards walked closely behind him, weapons in hand just in case Kami decided to get out of hand. Of course, he had no intention of doing that as he silently walked across halls with little no no fuss.

One of the guards spoke up, almost in a curious tone.

"You're the second land dweller we've captured in such a short time. You seem weaker though, hardly put up a fight."

Kami chuckled once more and replied.

"Sorry to disappoint. I guess I'm just not all that."

The guard didn't reply to his comment as they finally reached the room. They nudged him forward, finally stepping through the barrier that seemed to be made out of jell-o. The shackles disappeared almost instantly as he turned around and stared back at the guards.

"You will be trialed by the Queen herself when the time comes, shiny human. Consider these your final days."

With that the guards moved out as he once more chuckled. Despite the fact that he had the divine aura that could make him stick out from the normal human, somehow the Mer people didn't know of its significance's. They had been disconnected from the upper world for so long they hardly had any idea what a God even was much less how to tell someone was a God.

He slightly tapped on what used to be the Jell-O like barrier he crossed only to discover it was more studier than before. Still within the realm of something he could easily break but definitely much sturdier.

Just like I thought, ahhh, well let's just wait this out now. I'm here for...


A high-pitched voice interrupted his train of thought. It was a figure, across the hall, also restricted behind a barrier. It was the familiar face of Ivory, but Kami knew all to well it was actually his sister.

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