Chapter 69- Preparations in Play

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A/N:  Oh no almost, if not fully, a whole month since I updated,ahhh! Sorry people I've been incredibly busy between working and playing a large amount of new games along with watching new series and doing this WHOLE D&D Homebrew thing with a few friends. Explanations not needed, I know, but I'm sorry for taking so long to update. In truth I already had a chapter on this written and would have posted it but I was completely unsatisfied with it. *cough*. I'll be talking a lot more about this when I finish this book and move onto Volume III in 2053 so bear with me till then. Otherwise I hope you enjoy this and I'll probably be posting the next few ones pretty quickly (no promises though!). Prinny, out!

In the growing darkness, a militia of armed men moved effortlessly through the forest of trees and greens. Their destination was set clear, the tribe that housed the outsiders known as Cestus Uk'naui. By the orders of the Chiefs of their own tribes; they were to storm this now cursed land and kill all those who had played a hand in their refuge. Many dedicated believers of the Primal Beasts thought this to be a fair judgement by the elders of their homes and with a great sense of justice, marched forward, getting closer and closer to their mark.

Among these faithful soldiers there was a younger boy, one who looked as though he was barely of age. One who looked as though the spear in his hand was too heavy to carry, but not because of its weight. His small black eyes froze over the distance, the sea of emerald earthly fruit laid bare in front of him. He wasn't exactly in top physical condition compared to the others, not by looks at least. His figure was much leaner despite having a more than adequate physique. Contrary to the other Beast Tamers around him that where larger in size, he was average in stature and form. His hair too, which Beast Tamers would usually try to leave much more untamed and larger, was contradictory to his people. A small, well-trimmed, dark hair just topping an inch or two from his head. In appearance he looked weaker and more fragile to the others, but he and the rest of the men that followed knew better.

His eyes wandered down towards his weapon, his grip on it, shaking and unsteady. If it wasn't for those around him, their eyes on each other and him, he would have probably dropped his spear already.

Why had it come to this? Was there nothing else they could do? Had the Chiefs from all these tribes really done everything in their power to avoid this incoming bloodshed? What proof was there that doing this would solve their problem?

These and many more questions rushed through his head as the wolf he rode advanced forward in line with the rest of the armed forces. It wasn't that he felt fear in the upcoming battle, at least, not fear of fighting in the front lines. In fact, he was pretty sure this would be a one-sided massacre and that's what scared him the most. The pointless lives of his people, albeit a different tribe, being lost for no reason.

" Halt, move no further!"

The line of men came to a stop, as the beasts they rode and had alongside them also stopped per the command. Their eyes looked over towards the man who had given the order, his brazen demeanor moving back and forth between his men.

"This is as far as we go until the signal is ready, men, prepare yourself, be ready to attack and strike swiftly, for now, remain alert!"

The men all nodded their head and gave strong approving grunts.

What's wrong Cedius?"

A voice forced his gaze away from the almost hypnotizing allure of the landscape in front of him. It was his friend, and the current leader of the small forces from the Ishna Tribe.

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