Chapter 70- Insanity

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It had begun, the cleansing of the proclaimed cursed tribe. Once the signal had been given that Tabaldak's Will had been activated to neutralize any enemy forces in the tribe, we charged in, ready to remove the plague. Many of the surprised warriors standing in defense to their borders, provided very little resistance. Tabaldak's Will made sure that even though they were Beast Tamers, they would have little to no strength to retaliate their invasion. Even the monsters they had tamed fell pray to the area of effects ability, and were easily taken down alongside their owners and soon found themselves running through the small roads lined with huts and panicking faces.

Cedius tried blocking the guilty feeling of striking down on the frightful gazes of the people his wolf swung its claws down on. How many lives had he taken out so easily at this point? How many more by this invasion and how many more will lose their lives?

Deep down he hoped a few would escape, but knew that would be impossible. Even if some managed to run towards the jungles, there would be a number of warriors waiting to take them out. Once again, an easy task with them currently being completely powerless thanks to their Seal Containment Unit.

He had to take a break; this was eating away at him more than he thought. Cedius dismounted his somewhat confused wolf whom he reassured by giving it a light pat. His eyes traveled through the huts that were now being burned down. The light of the flames seemed to reach the skies from where he stood, entrancing in a way.

"This is not right...don't you think boy?" he mumbled, once more patting the wolf that lowered its head with great contentment.

For the most part, it looked desolate now, you could hear a few screams off in the distance, more than likely a hopeless Beast Tamer being taken down. The fall of the cursed tribe was going off successfully, and by now, almost done.

Cedius wandered for a bit through the road, being careful not to stray too far off as he rummaged through some of peculiar objects left. There was nothing too out of the ordinary. Blankets, clothing, a few handmade pots and leftover bread from what might have been a family having a meal beforehand. It seemed all so normal, so similar to his own tribe. The thought of it made him feel sicker. He stepped back and realize there were a few corpses surrounding him.

The empty white expressions, the red taint of blood splattered through the ground. How did he get here without noticing them?

His eyes frantically wandered through the ground as he saw nothing but the lifeless bodies of those he had just taken down a few moments ago. Had he overlooked them while he walked? Had his mind really blanked over them in an attempt to ease his conscious? Once he noticed one, it was impossible to miss the others.

Cedious thought back on how easy they had been taken out. Their fearful faces as the wolf he rode on swooped in with its arm raised, taking out the running once first. Then the once that stood petrified in fear, his wolf had turned around and bared its fangs at them as it opened its jaw and took a bite. The screaming and then, silence.

There, in the distance, a few feet away, the once that had become a light snack for his wolf, laid in the ground, motionless. Once head was barely attached to his body, as a huge bite mark across the shoulder towards the neck could be seen. Another was missing an arm and part of his leg.

The more he looked the more he could feel his head become dizzy, and finally, his stomach couldn't handle it anymore.

He ran, he didn't know where, but it wasn't far before he fell to his knees and finally.

"HUAGH!" he let out something between a frantic scream and a moment of pain before he held onto his stomach and threw up over the ground.

Why had it been so easy? He couldn't remember it at first but now, they were so vivid in his head. Had some form of bloodlust taken over, allowing him to seek out the people of this village and hunt them down as though they were mere prey?

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