Chapter 81- Ages Ago III

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"Exalt the Creator, for he shall bring us salvation through his hand."


The echoing of prayers filled the temple as the gleaming light of the sun shone down through the stained glass lined geometrically throughout the building. There were more than a few handful of people, dressed in white silk robes, faces covered, and lined from one end of the wall to the other deep in prayer. Their heads were lowered and their hands held up to their chests as the words of so many made a scramble of multiple voices echo through the chambers.

One man stood closest to the altar, his head held high, looking towards the large sculpture of a recognizable image. It was that of Kami's, his image standing tall, gleaming from its marble-like perfection being hit with by the rays of sunlight. The man raised his hands and spoke once more it a clear loud voice that overtook those of his peers.

"Help us now in our greatest time of need Creator, for we stand here before you, willing to accept your divine intervention."

"Holiest father, we call forth your wisdom, lead us in this time of great despair." the voices spoke in unison before once more becoming a scramble of unrecognizable words.

They had gathered here, like many other days, to seek guidance to their dilemma once more. Terra, a land that had once prosper under the tutelage of the Creator, had become plague with conflict. It was not an immediate thing; instead, taking centuries before the seeds of instability took hold over their civilization. In all this, the Creator through the eyes of those who worshiped him, saw his attempts at bringing peace, all failing one after another.

The man recognized how flawed humanity was, declining the hand of the very being who wished to shower his grace over them. The war had begun then, nearly three centuries ago. The church, which had been a pillar of humanity, was tossed to the side, as there was no need to follow the teachings of a being that didn't want to raise his hand and fight for one side or another. Over the course of that time, the Creator had sent beings, known as angels, each to bring a form of solution or problem to the churches current state to no avail. Time advanced, and the decline of the church grew ever so with its passage. Before they knew it, they had become a shadow of their former glory, and only a few temples remained spread across Terra that still stayed loyal to the Creator. Even so, the worst was yet to come, when the nation East of them, had finally triumphed in this war unifying Terra for the first time in centuries. There was peace in the land but only for a moment. The eyes of the war thirsty were set on the sidelines, where the church had been all this time. The new ruling government shifted the blame of the war to the hands of the believers, saying it was their weakness that had dragged this war longer than needed, and declaring the Creator as a being who chooses to see his creation fight in the side, rather than take initiative and put an end to the suffering.

Many, who had lost much during the war, agreed, as they were looking for someone to blame for all their problems. Slowly, they became persecuted and forced into hiding, while others, like them, decided to face their deaths in the temples that had once been a symbol of hope for many.

They could hear the sounds of fighting outside the doors, as the small amount of guards that remained loyal to them fought to slow the inevitable wave of soldiers crashing down on them. Any moment now they would burst in, and mercilessly take them all out.

The man, feared death, but felt a great determination to face it. His head once more raised to the large sculpture, this time whispering into the air.

"I accept my fate, if this is what you wish of us, Creator."

"A man of great faith."

A sweet indifferent voice made him stumble back as his eyes gazed towards its direction. There, just a few feet from where he had stood, a being stood, with a glowing aura of divine light, a golden glow hair that rested like a blanket over her shoulders, and a pair of emerald gleaming eyes that were fixed on him.

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