Chapter 11- Easy Fight

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Kami knocked the Minotaur back down for what felt like the hundredth time. It's large body landed with a heavy thud and once again remained motionless. He glanced over at Sayu and Himari who were dealing with one of the other Minotaur's themselves.

"Stay down filthy creature!" Sayu  yelled swinging her sword back down on the Minotaur's arm cutting  through it like a slice of cake. The arm landed onto the ground but  again the Minotaur had no reaction to give of pain or anything  whatsoever.

Himari raised her staff and spoke out.

"Sleet Congeal!"

The Minotaur in front of them was instantly covered in a layer of ice forcing it to stay stoic in place.

Thief on the other hand remained in her scared position incapable of participating in the battle.

Ahhh, she's always like this. Damn no point in trying to talk her out of it right now I should-

The Minotaur in front of him that he had taken down began twitching showing signs of movement once more.

Kami once more clenched his fist and punched down on its large head forcing it back into a limbless state.

They're not strong but they're not dying either.

The third Minotaur was slowly making its way towards Sayu and Himari so Kami decided not to pay it much mind considering they could probably handle it. Instead he focused on finding a way to permanently  keep them down. He had tried a variety of elemental attacks on them  already with no results. Even his attacks like Smite and such where not  working. If it wasn't for the fact that he found the situation peculiar  he would have just dealt with them already in a, as he called it, 'cheating' way.

There was the issue of Hiromichi being dead again. He gave a light sigh and mumbled.


There was a sudden gasp from Hiromichi's previously lifeless body as he began coughing desperately.

"A-a zombie!" Thief exclaimed backing away further from the fight.

"Thief,  don't be melodramatic, I brought him back to life, be a little useful  and help him out at least." replied Kami to her silly comment.

Thief seemed to have a nerve struck at Kami's words but silently agreed as she slowly walked up to him to lend a hand.

"S-shit did I die again...ugh... fucking a..."

Then  there was the Princess, or as he was certain of it now, his sister. She  remained near Kami a few feet away silently glancing at his work. They  hadn't spoken since the Minotaur's showed up and he hardly expected any  help. If she was using the girl's body her stats wouldn't be of much use.

[Status Bar]

Name: Ivory Nixagri

LVL: 10

EXP: 289/4000

Title: Fairy Princess


HP: 72/72

Stamina: 65/65


Strength: 62

Endurance: 71

Intelligence: 98



Wisdom: 92

Her  help shouldn't be needed much to begin with anyway, Kami's overwhelming  strength difference over these creatures should be more than enough to  at least keep them in line, even if they somehow couldn't be killed.

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