Chapter 67- Timelines and Omniscience

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"Almighty, what are you about to do?!" Sayu asked in a panic as the sky above them continued to grow darker.

She had seen Kami's theatrics for the complete destruction of Universes before and it would usually start with setting a dark ambiance in the general areas that he wished to erase completely. It would seem this Kami had the same taste for it as the one Sayu knew.

However, the sky seemed to lighten up temporarily as Kami sighed and swung herself back and forth with an annoyed expression.

"What should I do? Ahhh, your Kami makes everything so stressful."

Sayu glanced in silence at the sudden expression change in this Kami's facial features. She seemed to get lost in thought and then shake her head with great irritation, as if fighting with herself whether anything she came up with was a good idea.

"H-how about some delicacies?"


Sayu laughed nervously and smiled. All she wanted to do at this time was distract this Kami from doing something that would end in the destruction of this Universe. Luckily, Kami responded with a smile of her own and clapped her hands in delight.

"Oh~! A perfectly good distraction from the current situation, yes please!"

She walked past Sayu who instantly trailed behind her. Aside from knowing her role as the assistant, she decided to keep an eye on this Kami to keep her thoughts away from going anywhere catastrophic.

They walked aimlessly in silence for a few minutes before Kami turned around and stared directly at Sayu.

"W-what is it Almighty?"

"You're a bit different from my own assistant. You're not trying to put your hands all over me or throwing backhanded compliments without meaning to... and from what I can tell..." Kami's voice trailed off, her eyes hovering across Sayu's being which left her feeling a bit embarrassed. "'re a bit of a defective archangel now."

She felt a sting at hearing those words coming from someone like her. However, she only nodded her head and shrunk her presence down.

"It's been...a most unpleasant time here."

"You say that but you don't want me to destroy this Universe?"

She bit her lip and nodded her head.

"There are those here who I would rather... keep living."

"That's sweet~! It's a default mentality of the angels to believe that the souls of those who die will find eternal bliss in Heaven. It's a bit refreshing hearing an angel think outside of that box!"

"The last angel to think along those lines was considered an enemy of Heaven..."

"It wasn't what Lucifer thought, as much as what she did afterwards. Took a bunch of my lovely angels and tried turning them against me. Nuh-uh, not in my house!" she pouted.

"If I may ask, what exactly is happening? Kami seems to be trying to keep things hidden from us, I usually wouldn't insist in knowing but my...current condition makes me a bit rebellious in that aspect."

"Hmmm, okay, I'll tell you, but keep it a secret from your Kami."

She leaned in and stuck her tongue out.

That request would be impossible of course, considering Kami would probably know as soon as he returned what had happened while he was gone, if he already wasn't aware of it. Still, Sayu was curious and could care less as she nodded her head and returned a forceful smile at her.

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