Chapter 20- Short Work

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"A Hero, in this nation, I didn't quite expect them to be this strong, I must be honest."

Shi slowly stood up, his wounds closing in and his vitality returning to him as though nothing had happened.

The girl looked a bit shocked but kept her bow up preparing to launch another set of attacks off on him.

"Now let me ask you this, who are YOU?"

He lightly swung his neck around as he raised his hands to his sides in a threating manner.

"Hmmm, Anubis, Mot, Yan Luo, Tia and Ta'xet, I've been known by many names, but they are all the same, as I am them, Death."

"That's funny, your name says Shi, not nearly as fancy as all those other names. You are right about the Death thing though, I never knew that was a Class..."

Shi glanced around for any signs of Marie or his personal assistant reaper but they were nowhere in sight. Where they blown to pieces during the attacks and he hadn't noticed?

"You caught me a bit off guard Hero, I didn't think there was someone outside this realms God's and that Grand Hero capable of challenging me, guess I underestimated mortality a bit."

Her grip tighten around the bow at the mention of the Grand Hero.

"Master Sora...what did you do dark spawn?"

She looked irritated, like he had hit a nerve at the mention of the Grand Hero

Shi had no intentions of answering her question after seeing her reaction. What was more interesting was the fact that she had called him master. Perhaps this girl was that Grand Hero's apprentice at some point, that would explain her overwhelming strength compared to the others.

A gloomy dark aura surrounded him as he raised his hand towards the girl and spoke.

"Death's Grip."

The girl could feel an icy grip grasp onto her. Her bow dropped to her sides for a second as the overwhelming feeling of darkness filled her mind. Her breathing became hectic as she gripped onto her chest in pain.

"Such a simple skill will be your downfall?"

She gritted her teeth in desperation and spoke.

"You're not...the first creature of... darkness I've dealt with..."

She slowly pulled a small bottle from within one of her pockets. Her hands trembled as they sluggishly made their way towards her mouth.

Shi observed closely without interrupting the girl. It would have been an easy matter to stop her but he was curious about what that was.

The gulping of the drink was all that was heard before there was a sigh of relief as she collapsed onto her knees and angrily stared at Shi. She no longer looked affected what so ever from his ability but it seemed she needed time to recover.

"Interesting, a drink can counter my skill, do tell what that was."

"A Resistance Potion, you won't be using that ability on me again and getting the same result for a while."

She staggered onto her feet, her strength slowly returning to her. Her reaction was lightning fast from there. The bow was raised almost in a blink of an eye towards Shi as she yelled out.

"Purifying Arrow Storm!"

A barrage of arrows was released from the tip of the bow. They gleamed with a white glow of energy and seemed almost transparent. They made a low whistling sound like a bird rapidly flapping its wings.

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