Chapter 61- Card Games in Celestia

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The God of Luck's eyes wandered between the cards in his hand, and to those the cocky Kami swung around with a nonchalant aura of confidence. Three other figures sat around a small chair silently observing the both of them. The first two were Edona and Asobi who sat adjacent to each other and the third was Iatra, who sat on a significantly smaller chair Kami had purposely made that way. She was a bit uncomfortable but said nothing about it knowing Kami was enacting his punishment for not letting him know what she had been up to. Considering all she had to do was sit on this chair for a long period of time as the two of them went back and forth, it was a small punishment.

Once more, the God of Luck could feel a sense of nervousness as his body began to jiggle and he mumbled out loud.

"I will beat you this time you over optimistic dense humanoid."

"Oho? Your insults are getting more and more hurtful, of course, taking my three hundred and seventy-eight victory makes it almost so bearable. What's it going to be Fukuboru?" Kami retorted happily.

Fukuboru glanced down at his hand and grinned as he saw his hand. There was no way he could lose this time, even if he only won once, it would be satisfactory enough for him to walk out from this endless match.

"Ku, you'll lose this hand I guarantee it!"

"Heh, your speech pattern reminds me of a friend, suppose you would know her since you blessed her right?"

"I did, Miyuki, is her name, her mother was a saint, I truly did love that woman."

Kami flinched at his statement but let out a small chuckle as he playfully grinned over at him.

"Ever think about telling her that-"

"H-How do you know that, shut up, shut up! No way! What am I supposed to tell the kid? Hey I'm your father, by the way I'm actually an alien to your kind and sorry about never talking to you for the past eighteen years!"

Kami shrugged and leaned back on the chair. His eyes scanned the cards in his own hand while he spoke.

"Sounds like a good start, tell you what, I'll concede this game if you tell her and we can forget about giving me your blessing and the extra benefit, deal?"

"Heh! Is your hand that bad? I thought you were playing it too cool, no deal!"

Iatra silently glanced over the two of them with a somewhat nervous smile.

"I didn't expect you to take this route when you said you wanted Fukuboru's blessing Kami."

"Really? You're Omniscient and didn't see it coming?"

The God of Luck glanced up towards Iatra who was now panicking as she swung her arms over Kami.

"S-shush Kami I'm not that here! P-please don't-"

"I got it don't worry." Kami interrupted with a wide grin.

"What are you two talking on? I-Is this a rigged game." he looked at Iatra with a horrified stare. "I never imagined you could be so devilish!"

"It's nothing like's... a personal matter, I'm sorry Fukuboru."

"Ku, fine, curses on you two then!" he exclaimed, his whole-body jiggling as he raised his arms over his head.

Edona sat on the side of the table along with the small Asobi who swung himself back and forth on his chair with great enthusiasm.

"I-I do believe statistically speaking it would b-be fair to assume Kami has been at least manipulating the game to his favor." Edona commented with a drop of sweat coming from her forehead.

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