Chapter 102- The Holy Spirit

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Aranui clapped her hands together in delight as she watched the small figure running around the empty void, she called her domain. Her smile spread from cheek to cheek and her voice carried a loving tune when she spoke. "Careful, wouldn't want you getting hurt."

"Okay!" the small figure replied as it continued to run around.

It had been a number of thousands of years since Kami had snapped her back into her domain. She had tried her hardest to escape, but found a barrier preventing her from leaving.

Her eyes closed, remembering the despair she felt back then. The feeling of being left alone once more in the void was something she couldn't bare. She begged into the empty void, screamed, raised her anger, cursing at it, hoping anything would get her out, and when she found herself at feeling at her most bottom pit, the hole somehow dug itself deeper. She realized Kami's presence had vanished from Creation. It was truly then that she felt complete despair, knowing that something, somewhere out there had stripped everything she loved away from her.

"Hey can I go a bit further today?!" the little figure raised its head, its gaze focused deeper into the void.

Aranui nodded her head, but gave a strict stare. "Fine, but just far enough so I can see where you are."

The child ran deeper into the void, and Aranui couldn't help but giggle at its innocence.

She remembered that she wanted to erase everything. If Kami didn't live, what right did everything else have to continue on going. However, the barrier that had kept her at an arm's length from Creation persisted, despite Kami's erasure. If there was a testament to his power, it would be how much influence he still had despite no longer existing. Still, she knew that if she gnawed at the barrier with her own power, eventually, it would break, so she had dedicated her unyielding desire to consume everything back into her domain for thousands of years, one after another, time passing by. From the peak of the translucent window that seperated the void and Creation, she could see the endless cosmos that she so deeply desired to erase.

As time passed though, perhaps just recently, her rage and hopelessness came to turn. She began to realize that what she was looking for would be an insult to Kami. How could she possibly find it in herself to destroy everything that he had left behind. It would be like destroying the last bit of memory she had of him. It was somewhere around that time, that this little guy had appeared, deep in the void.

She heard the cries of a child and before she knew what was going on, she found herself scouting the endless void for the source. Imagine her surprise when the child turned out to be, no one other than Kami.

The child turned its head back to face Aranui, his small gleaming blue eyes, bright as the stars he had created, his red hair, shorter than the Kami she remembered, but still hanging from his face, and the similar clothing format, with a white kid size polo shirt, cargo shorts, and black and white sneakers.

"Think I can try creating something today again sis?!" Kami asked excitedly.

Aranui smiled, a warm feeling of joy filling her chest. She gently walked over to him, his eyes fixed on her approaching. "What did you have in mind today?"

Kami furrowed his eyebrows, his hand raising over his chin as he tapped it with his fingers. "I dunno, how about some pretty clouds!"

She nodded her head and gently pat his own. "Sure, that sounds really nice."

He raised his hands into the void, his tongue sticking out from his mouth as he focused entirely into the void. There was nothing but silence for a bit, but eventually, small sparkles starting forming around them. The air grew hazy, and a rainbow of colors spread around them. The fog became more and more dense, eventually twirling and twisting around itself. All that was left was a spectacle of glowing bright lights in between a lingering haze of colors sporadically changing from one to the other.

Aranui looked around, this too bringing back memories of eras ago, her eyes glancing down at Kami as she crouched to meet his eye level. "Kami?"

His eyes looked overjoyed at what he had done, before he turned around and faced her. "You like it?!"

She nodded her head once more, her eyes squinting with delight. "I love it."

"I made it for you! You always want me to stay away from the dark, so I thought putting some light it would help."

"You shouldn't have." she reached out to Kami and gently pulled him towards her, embracing the small child in between her bosom.

"Ahhh, come on sis that's embarrassing." he tugged away but eventually stopped when he realized he wasn't strong enough to pull away. "Stop,haha!"

When she had first found Kami, he had been curled up, crying in the middle of the void. She had approached him, and as soon as he had noticed her, he leaped to his feet, and ran to hug her legs. It was then that she understood this familiar feeling, the feeling of what Kami always claimed to be, a family. It wasn't the usual feeling they would get from coming in contact with each other, yet something just as powerful. She realized for the first time what it meant to be a sister, and this protective instinct over the child kicked in.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy you're here with me." Aranui added as she let Kami go.

His small head nodded with a smile spread across. "Always sis!"

"Don't say that." she spoke softly.

"Why not?"

Her fingers ran across his cheek, and then towards his shirt. She adjusted the colar and gently brushed her fingers through his hair. "You have something important to do in the future."

"I do?"

"Yeah, and it's my job right now to raise you until you've developed enough."

"What do I have to do sis?"

She shook her head and smiled. "You'll know eventually, for now, sis is going to enjoy every second she had with you."

The little boy clicked his tongue his expression showing a lack of dislike for this idea. "But you'll come with me, right?"

Aranui knew she had to lie so she simply nodded her head. "Of course, I will, I'll always be there with you."

This time it was Kami who reached out and hugged her. "Okay, we'll do it together then!"

Her arms trembled, a feeling of sadness washing over her, but eventually she returned the hug once more. " I love you."

"I love you too, sis!"

The time will come, when Kami would have to leave the void, but for now, he was all hers once again.

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