Chapter 95- Goodbye

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"Amazing, I didn't think it would go down this way."

'Hmmm? Is this...?'

"The Creator truly is a being of such high-calibur. Your existence has been obliterated, yet you still have a conscious."

'T-this is it, isn't it?! I'm being Isekai'ed into another Universe!'

"Fufu, not much for the brains department though."

[You're dead]

[You're dead]

[You're dead]

'Huh...well guess I can't move onto this brand-new world without dying first...'

A sound, similar to a keyboard's keys being stroked along with a mouse echoed through the dark emptiness. It took Kami a while to realize his eyes were closed, as he slowly opened them.

The room around him wasn't that much different from what he was seeing already, utter emptiness. The only difference was a light, shining brightly from a monitor, and someone sitting by a chair facing its direction. It looked like an older man, around his forty's or late thirties. He was lean and gave off a vibe of someone who had never seen the outside world. His eyes, lackluster dark and a overgrown beard coming in hand-in-hand with a badly kept hairstyle. It fell to his sides, reaching his shoulders. His face looked drained, as though he was in grave need of some water. His eyes wandered over to Kami, and through the thick bush of hair, a small fragile smile spread.

"Welcome Creator to my domain."

Kami's eyes wandered around the room with much curiosity. There wasn't much to see, mostly just stacks of what looked like various board games, many of them worn and torn, paper lying around, barely visible through the shining light of the computer, and a few number of figurines based on mythical creatures placed in random locations.

"I'm guessing you're not surprised to be here by your lack of questions."

Kami shrugged as he walked over to him and carefully inspected the desk. It was a mess, empty cups and containers everywhere, giving only small room for a keyboard and mouse to operate.

"I was expecting one of the outcomes to be this. It wasn't very high percentage of a chance in my outlooks."

"Yes your...other-self made it very clear what she wanted from me... she's... a piece of work."

"Ah so she did visit, lovely isn't she?"

"T-terrifyingly sweet and psychotic."

The silence was filled with sound coming from the monitor. It looked like Sayu, who was crying over Kami's dead body. He clicked his tongue and once more began speaking.

"So how are we doing this?"

"Hmm? What do you mean? You already died, it was suppose to be done before you died."

Kami glanced back and forth between the older man and the monitor before squinting his eyes in suspicion. "You've been observing all along, you very well know that's not how it went down."

"Hmhmhm, yes that correct."

"What now then?"

"That's up to you. I'm surprised you're still even standing in any form what so ever. That other version of yourself basically destroyed your existence. How you're here baffles me."

Kami frowned and continued to look at the monitor. His eyes focused entirely on Sayu's continuing weeps of sadness.

"May I ask one thing?"the old man interrupted.

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