Chapter 39- Hiromichi Steps Up

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Sayu instantly pulled herself with increasingly pain from the blade that penetrated her. She turned around, her own blade already in her hand as she swung down on the mysterious figure.

They were fast, a lot faster than she had anticipated. The figure easily managed to avoid her swing and push Sayu back making her stumble on her feet.

"Ngh..." Sayu could feel the wound on her side taking its toll. The energy that emanated from the wound, she had sensed it before.

"A" she said her voice trailing off.

Hiromichi stood up, feeling slightly daze from the knock back but otherwise completely fine.

"Who the hell are you?!"

"Arc Light Pulse"

Hiromichi and Sayu felt themselves pushed into the air as they were tossed once more onto the ground. This time the attack had come from behind them as they had been paying attention to the figure who had stabbed Sayu.

The Reaper grabbed onto Sayu while she was on the ground and held her down tightly, not giving her a chance to move and break free.

"Stay still girl, it'll be easier on me if you stop struggling."

Sayu closed her eyes, the pain of her wound sipping in. This was a lot more than just a normal attack. That blade had a much dreary aura than a simple reaper. It had a dark menacing energy she knew all too well.

"H-he's... here as well...?"

"M-marie, what was that about?! Is this some joke?!" barked Hiromichi.

She didn't reply, only kept a bright smile in place and her weapon tightly close to her chest.

Hiromichi growled under his breath at the moment of desperation as he raised himself from the ground once again and stared at both Marie and the other unknown person.

"The hell with it then. I would rather not attack you Marie but this shit is not funny! Explain what's happening or I'm going to be forced to kick some ass!"

Marie giggled once more, her confidence over the situation shrugged off his empty threat.

"I wouldn't want to fight you Hiromichi, after all, we did share some time in our travels."


"But that doesn't mean we won't if you try to stop us. We just need take Sayu here for a bit and if Shi wants to let her go afterwards, I'm okay with it, promise?"

Hiromichi blinked in confusion before he howled in anger.

"Who the hell is Shi?! You know what, that doesn't matter you're not taking her anywhere!"

Marie raised her weapon towards Sayu and murmured.

"Divine Binding."

A rope of glowing light energy sprung from the ground and tied Sayu down as the Elven Warrior who had been holding her down stood up and stared down at Hiromichi.

"Ngh, you oaf, you can't stop them they hav-"

"Shut your ass up Sayu! I'm sick and tired of getting my ass handed to me since I met you and Kami! This is my turf here; they shouldn't have any strength compared to me, right?! I can beat them down in just a few hits!"

"I-it's not the same, Hiro-"

"Quiet!" yelled the Reaper as she kicked Sayu's side which made her cough.

"If the monkey wants to fight it can fight."

Marie sighed as she sadly stared down at Sayu and nodded her head.

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