Chapter 9- Talk with the Devil

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"What exactly is your grudge against the ruler of Death?"

Laurrel spoke as he warmed up some tea for me. The tent had grown somewhat quiet for some time now while I began thinking of my day tomorrow with Kami.

'Oh? You don't know much about history before your creation, do you? Well sit, and let me enlighten you!'

I patted down a seat next to me and beckoned him forward.

Laurrel mumbled in a mocking tone as he made his way towards me. He held a plate with a pair of cups and a few snacks.

"Fine, enlighten me all powerful deity."

'Okay, so I suppose, let's start, from the beginning. It was just me, I think, if not, it was us, Kami and I-'

"Skip this we've been over this already."

'Oh, okay well, it was just us two, for what felt like forever, him and I were the only beings in existence, it was perfect. Everything we did involved each other, there was no one else just us.'

Laurrels face seemed to tense up as he opened his jaw but immediately closed up.


"What...exactly did you two do?"

'Oi, you don't ask such personal questions silly! As I was saying, just him and I no one else. This was the course of nature, I owed my existence to his and he indulged in mine. The perfect cycle, until he had to go and try creating his little toys.'

I felt a sudden sour feeling of disgust rising through every fiber of my being. Just the thought of it still made me feel ill.

'His first Creation was an attempt to make someone equal strength to us. Someone who could be as powerful as we are and perhaps add to our untold family, after all, during those times we didn't consider each other siblings. It took him a while but after sometime he created that, Shi.'

"F-father created death?"

'It wasn't what he was supposed to be initially. He was just supposed to be an omnipotent creature like us, but doing such a thing proved to be harder than he thought. It wasn't as easy as just thinking it up and making it happen like he does for all his little toys. Kami in an attempt to make him feel less inferior to us made sure this thing would believe it was like us. Kami tried nurturing it and treated it like a child. Soon all that attention that was mine was diminished but even still, I was okay. I was fine with it, even though I could never see such an abomination as my own family, I did so for him.'

Laurrel looked disturbed at this information but continued to silently stare at me.

I only wondered what wild ideas were flowing through his mind but I kept going nonetheless.

'It didn't take long from that point, soon after that Kami began creating things, here and there. First Sayu, his little assistant that follows him around like a puppy. Then celestial bodies, mortality, Heaven, his whole little setup. I was still fine with all this, I didn't mind even then. He was so different back then, before we fought. He ruled Creation like a dictator, erasing everything that would disgust him, punishing that which disobeyed, torturing those that rebelled. We were all okay with it, after all, this was his vision, his world, and we accepted it with open arms."

I glanced over at Laurrel and smirked.

Had Lucifer been created during those times he might have not been standing here to hear the tale.

'Eventually though Shi became aware of his weaker nature to Kami and I. He felt a lesser being and became obsessed with claiming Kami's rightful place. Although at that point Kami had begun creating a few mortals here and there, Shi realized he could use the power from these souls through the process of Death, which is when it claimed its role. I became aware of what its intensions were, I tried killing it, Kami fought back and... here we are. There's more details to this story but I wanted to keep it short, a girl can't tell all her secrets.'

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