Chapter 29- The Wild Lands

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Sayu let out a gasp as she sat up on a small berth. She immediately looked around, remembering that right before she had lost conscious, there had been someone or something that had knocked her out cold. However, there was no sign of the perpetrators anywhere around. The area around her was small-scaled, like a hut for a single person. There were noises of people outside walking or shuffling around completely ignoring Sayu's presence. She could hear a few voices every so often, of children laughing and talking among each other or others speaking among themselves.

She stood up slowly making sure not to make a sound that would attract the unwanted attention. They had not killed her, or at least, not that she could tell, after all she wouldn't die due to her immortality. None the less, she was alive and they had not restrained her so it was possible that their intentions were not malevolent, but on the other hand, they had attacked her and dragged her to an unknown location.

Sayu carefully edged her way towards the exit and tried to see through some of the openings in the small hut. Just like the sounds gave away, it seemed like it was a community of people going about their day.

A face suddenly reared its head inside surprising Sayu and quickly making her take a few steps back. It was Hiromichi, who had a large grin on his face as he let out a howling laugh.

"Scared you didn't I?! You're finally up, took you long enough."

"Where are we? What's going on?"

Hiromichi stepped inside with his head raised high and a prideful swing to his steps.

"It's some small tribe called uhh...what the hell did they call it?"

A second figure made its way inside as if she had been this whole time for her as well. She was tall just a few inches shy of Hiromichi's own staggering size. Like him, she had an animalistic appearance. Her hair although short, barely reaching her mid neck, had a wild red look. Its resemblance was of Hiromichi's own hair but much smaller. Her teal colored eyes stared directly at Sayu, unblinking like a predator staring at its prey, observing its every move. She had what seemed like an animal pellet wrapped around her chest only like a cloth and an equally same styled baggy breeches to those Hiromichi wore. Her body was well defined and toned and could see the lines of her muscles on her abdomen and arms. Her bronzed skin looked glossy and smooth as if she spent long hours exposing herself to the sunlight's rays. Although she looked much more fragile in comparison to Hiromichi, you could tell she was experience to some degree in combat.

"Cestus Uk'naui, I've told your friend a number of times the name but he seems to have some difficulty remembering." she spoke, her voice surprisingly soft but with a tone of strength behind it.

"Cestus Uk'naui... and where exactly is this place?" Sayu spoke still keeping her guard up.

Despite Hiromichi lax nature, she wasn't about to let her own defenses down just because he was casually strolling around with what could be a potential enemy.

She clicked her tongue and lazily patted the back of her head.

"Outsiders, this place is known as The Wild Lands to us inhabitants but you know it as Smallest Kingdom."

She tried recalling a geographical map she had studied at some point she had seen on a library back in the Ducuria Kingdom. Smallest Kingdom was somewhere north a few nations away from where Ostiz Kingdom was supposed to be. Even more so, it was somewhere in the middle of the ocean. The closest nation to them from here would be the Zasshu Union of Tyr. Sayu pondered on the idea of how exactly they had found themselves so far away from their original location but decided it was best to worry about how to get back first.

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