Chapter 98- All Hail the Creator

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I stared in delight at the large man being tossed back into the ground alongside Hiromichi. The satisfaction of having my blade cut him made my anger pur in satisfaction, yet I wanted more. There was another itch in the back of my mind that spawned. It grew like a thorn next to the anger and hate I had for this defected being claiming to be God, the one that took him away like he was nothing.

"C-can't believe that worked."

Thief voice brought me back for a split second, my eyes wandering back to meet her stunned expression before I turned back to face the false god in front of me.

Hiromichi struggled underneath the weight of the much large man, grunting before pushing him off and standing on his two feet and speaking while backing away from him, his eyes directly locked at the man.

"D-Damn that was intense, is he dead? That felt almost too easy, he was about to blow us and this whole damn place up just a few seconds ago, s-shit."

I couldn't focus entirely on what he was saying. I heard him but the overwhelming feeling of power surged inside.

Thief had luckily handed over God's passive [Omnipotence] over at the last second, and I had been able to forcefully enable it, despite its restriction. I hovered over the passive and read it thoroughly.


The unlimited power of the Creator given title. An endless source of creation or destruction.

(The Conditions to unlock the full passive had not yet been met therefore passive will only work at a minimum effect.)

What did it mean the conditions to unlock this passive were not met? I had easily enabled it without a problem. Perhaps it was a bug, or a glitch.

These thoughts became clouded though. I could sense God's vast well of power surging. This was nothing like the divine power she had been given as an Archangel, this was so much more. With a single bat of an eye the Omniverse would bend to her will. It would be easy to murmur the words and make myself the pinnacle of Creation.

I shook my head in confusion. "What is this?"

Hiromichi and Thief looked at me when I spoke, they didn't seem to understand what was happening. Truth be told, neither did I.

"What's wrong?" Thief asked. I could sense some worry coming from her voice.

"You good there Sayu? We need you in good shape here if this asshole isn't dead yet." Hiromichi followed up.

My sword swung to my side, my focus once more on God, who had been laying on the ground silently for a while now. There was no need to wait for him to react, it would be easier to take him out completely while he was down.

My anger rose up again, like a flame fueled by gas, and in returned, it brought the other ideas I had under control. The blade in my hand shot up in one quick swoop through the ground in front of my eyes before either Hiromichi or Thief could even notice I had made a move.

The ground split, crackling and roaring in pain at the large gap the swing had caused on the dirt. The wind itself blasted forward and cut anything in its path deeper than any blade this Universe could produce. The attack was of course, directed at God, who in a blink of an eye, disappeared in the midst of the chaos her sword had caused. This all happened so fast, so much so that even I was left a bit taken aback.

"H-holy shit! Sayu what the hell?!" Hiromichi yelled out as he raised his hands, covering his face from the strong current and any heavy debris my attack had lifted into the air.

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