Chapter 40- Death's Release

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"S-seriously what the hell Marie?!" barked Hiromichi.

"It's a little insulting than I somehow got cornered by someone like him and that you had to protect me." the Reaper glanced over at her.

Marie only shrugged and continue to smile.

"You're welcome. I won't be fighting much but I can certainly help you out. Reinforce."

She glowed slightly before the effect disappeared. Her eyes were locked up front for a bit before she spoke once again.

"That animal's skill did a lot more to me than I had imagined but your buff alleviated some of the overall debuff."

"I could just cleanse it."

"W-why didn't you start off with that?!"

"Haaaaah, you're so mean, I'm not helping if you're going to yell at me."

Hiromichi glanced back and forth as the two of them bickered and finally at Sayu who looked to be in pain, laying on the ground. He slowly edged towards her, trying not to track any attention. He moved only a few feet before a dark skewer of energy rose from the ground forcing him to jump back.

"S-shit that came out of nowhere!"

"You don't get it do you, this girl is not going anywhere other than Shi. I underestimated you and took you a bit too lightly but I'll have my guard up next time." said the Reaper, her sword held directly at the ground in front of him where the attack had originated from.

"Who the hell is this Shi anyway?! That's all you and Marie seem to talk about!"

"That would be me, at your service."

A large black portal opened in front of their eyes as a figure stepped out. The atmosphere changed almost instantly as the area around them grew colorless and dull. A heavy aura of dread and despair fell upon the shoulders of all those standing within its grasp, leaving them speechless and drained of any energy to react. Before the shape took a define form, it almost looked like a dark shadow with empty dark eyes stared back at the from within the portal.

Hiromichi stumbled a bit back stunned at the appearance of this person. Not only was it unexpected, but as it stepped forward he noticed the overall similarity to someone he knew all too well, Kami.

"Wh-what th-"

"Hiromichi, I believe, I can tell from the descriptions I've heard of you. I am Shi, Kami's brother if the face wasn't a tell-all."

"K-kami's brother, how many family members am I going to meet from him now?! Does he have a long-lost cousin somewhere I should know about too?!"

Shi smiled gently as he strolled over to the two girls whose gaze was locked on him.

"S-shi, what are you doing here?" mumbled the Reaper in a much more submissive tone.

"I send you both to get her almost two days ago, I would be lying to say if I didn't get a little impatient. Things feel so much slower in the mortal world. I would have waited centuries before but now only two days and I was almost ready to kill myself." Shi said casually chuckling at his own remark.

The Reaper let out a groan while Marie only seemed ecstatic to have him around as she clutched onto his arm and hummed happily.

Sayu on the other hand looked angry, displeased almost.

"Y-you what are you doing here you shouldn't be here."

"Oh? Sayu my old friend how are you? I have to say, I'm a bit surprised to see you without your leash, haha, I'm kidding; I'm not surprised, after all, I'm the one who made sure the leash was cut, if only for a few days."

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