Chapter 72- Defending

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Sayu let out a sigh of relief as the last enemy in front of her fell down to the ground. The fire's around her where being put out by a few helping hands but mostly it was just her, standing in the front line, idly, waiting for the next wave of enemies.

"Sayu, Sayu!"

Tanaya's voice made her tense up as she turned around to look at her walking closer.

"What's wrong? Trouble?"

Tanaya simply shook her head and smiled meekly.

"No, not yet. A few of the warriors returned with some more people in their care. Their all hidding on the building now so as long as you can keep them away it should be fine."

Sayu sighed once more and nodded her head as she returned back to her guarding position. She wanted to maintain herself alert incase an unexpected attack would be launched against them.

"How are things on your side so far?" Tanaya asked, her eyes moving towards the large number of enemies simply laying on the ground.

"Fine, I've refrained from killing any of them. I understand your situation, but I do have to warn you it's only slowing them down for now."

"I understand, thank you anyway."

There was a moment of silence between both of them as the sounds of scurrying feet running back and forth filled in the void. The people were trying their best to save as little as they could and run back to the large building which was being safeguarded by Sayu. It was the last place they could turn to ever since they begun to invade the tribe.

"I'm sorry we can't do much more Sayu."


"I mean...we've been practically render useless with Tabaldak's Will in place. I didn't think they go to such lengths to finish us off. There really was no talking them out of this attack.".Her expression seemed saddened, very unlike her usual appearance.

Sayu could only try to find the right words to bring a bit of comfort.

"Don't dwell too much on it Tanaya. I've seen these things many times throughout history. It's a shame to say the best choice in this situation would be to fight back with the same intent as theirs but I can understand the sentiment. I can do this for as long as needed. Perhaps they will see our lack of hostility against them as a good sign."

Tanaya's nodded her head and quickly changed the subject.

"Hiromichi is still frustrated that he can't do anything."

Sayu scoffed and looked towards Tanaya once more.

"He's stubborn but he knows he'll only be in the way the way he is right now. The best thing is for all of you to head back in the building and wait it out. Finding a solution to our problem quickly might be something you might want to get started on."

"Yes, right, you're right." Tanaya said as her eyes wandered over to another figure a few yards away from them.

It was Kami, who was idly floating in the air, starring off into the jungle as though completely disconnected from the current situation. Despite the pressing matter they found themselves in with them being cornered, she seemed indifferent to the situation. In fact, she spend her time glancing around like a child observing something new that she had never seen before.

Sayu looked over at Kami as well and only shook her head.

"If you wanted her to do something, I don't think you'll get much out of her."

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