Chapter 91- Miyuki

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"D-d-d-dead?!" exclaimed Thief in a panic as her arms stretched upwards in horror.

"S-shit, no way..." mumbled Hiromichi in disbelief.

"Please tell me this is not what you meant by dying off..." Sayu groaned in utter disappointment.

Kami blinked for a few and with a disgruntled expression spoke. "Damn, there's no way to start over from this fight huh? Kinda feels like cheating now."

He felt Sayu's hands wrapped around his shirt as he was suddenly being violently shaken back and forth.

"You child I thought this was more serious than you made it look! Are you saying this whole time THIS was the 'dying' you were speaking off?"

"You don't understand Sayu, i-it's a gamer thing, the humiliation; have you ever lost a 1v1, versus yourself? Oh, woe is me!"

"It wasn't a 1v1 to begin with, you had me!"

"Right, well why don't you just rub some more salt in the wound there."


While Sayu and Kami yelled back and forth at each other Thief leaned towards Hiromichi and whispered.

"W-was Sayu this aggressive with Kami before, ku?"

"Tch... it'll be easier to explain later..."

Their bickering was cut short as from thin air, another portal opened, and this time, God's image stepped out from within and glanced with much displeasure towards the small fray standing in front of him. "Found you. Not dead yet? Unfortunate."

His voice instantly put them in alert as they drew their weapons and put up a defensive stance.

"W-who the hell is this?!" yelled out Hiromichi towards Kami.

Thief who had her Data skill up all along simply stumbled backwards and onto the ground as she stared with a sense of panic. "N-no way, ku..."

"Kami what are we going to do?" Sayu asked gripping the sword in her hand tightly.

"Why resist the inevitable? This running around and playing games is not the proper conduct of an all-powerful being. The throne in this timeline has remained empty far too long 'Kami', if you won't shape up and take the reigns over Creation, I shall do so for you. No, in fact, I shall do much better than you have ever done."

Kami rolled his eyes and grunted as he tried his best to snap Thief out of it. "Can't believe I actually used to monologue."


"Right, Sayu, Hiromichi, you're both statted up from the power ups I gave you, keep him busy for a bit."

Hiromochi cracked his knuckles and gritted his teeth. "Tch, I don't understand shit, but if he's some asshole I have to beat down I'm all for it. I need a punching bag right now anyway."

Sayu raised her sword and pointed it towards God as the flames ignited in a flurry. "An imperfect copy of a more superior being should know its place, in the side lines."

Kami turned his attention towards Thief who seemed petrified as her eyes locked onto the all-mighty being in front of her. He realized how significantly easy it was too put her in a situation where she would panic, and felt a sense of guilt for putting her through something she wasn't capable of understanding fully. Apologizing would have to wait, since he needed her in the right mind to fully complete his plan.

He firmly grasped onto her shoulders as he attempted to grab Thief's attention. All he could hear was the exchange of blows between his other self, Sayu, and Hiromichi.

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