Chapter 54- Conversation with the Archangel

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Sayu  looked around the seemingly empty jungle. There was nothing but  the large plantation of trees and brushes as far as she could see. The  only noise that could be heard was from the wild life around her,  rustling through the vines of greens.

She  stood still for a few moments, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.  Her chest pounded with a strange wave of turbulent emotions she had  never felt before. Different thoughts rushed through her head as she  took in the sounds from the world around her. Her figure swayed back and  forth gently as she began humming lightly. It was a strange sensation,  almost unlike her to want to sing. Ever since Shi had gotten to her; she  had awoken to a whole new world of emotions that she hardly knew  existed. Beforehand, things like; anger, disappointment, sadness, guilt,  they were all somewhat foreign to her. It's not that she couldn't feel  them, but that they were almost out of her range of understanding.  Perhaps Kami had made her kind like this, incapable of fully grasping  onto the variety of emotions outside joy for being in his presence. Once  again though, Shi had shifted that around, and although she didn't  quite like feeling this bad, it would be a lie to say it wasn't somehow  ecstatic. Of course, if Kami swept  in at this moment and shut all that off and returned her to normal, she  would take it with ease, but she knew it wouldn't be happening.

Her  eyes flickered open as she raised her hand towards her chest. It felt  almost burning hot, making it a bit difficult to breath. If she could  just find out how to get rid of this unbearable pain she might be able to return to normal on her own.

"Hmmm, you really want to return back to normal?"

The  voice startled her as she turned around and saw Kami leaning on a tree  looking back at her. He wore the more than predictable smile of his that  he put on as a show of good faith. It was his way of letting the person  it was directed at that everything was okay and that he was there to  listen.

"You...where did you go?"

"Me? I'm doing a few things around Tyr at the moment."

"You're using your full array of power then?"

"Afraid so."

Sayu could feel the pain in her chest intensify as she carefully stepped back from Kami, her sight on him as she did.

"Is there a particular reason why you are doing this now?"

Kami's smile faded for a bit, his eyes finally breaking from Sayu's own as he glanced around. He avoided her stare for a few moments of silence before looking back at her and shrugging.

"I don't particularly like lying to you."

"But somehow you take great pleasure in leaving me behind and breaking your promises multiple times."

"Hmmm, I guess I'm not as perfect as you imagined me to be."

She gulped, the boiling anger she felt returning to her once again. However, she kept it under control this time as she also leaned back on a tree, facing Kami just a few feet away from her and asked.

"Why are you here then?"

"I could ask you the same thing. Don't you think it's a bit dangerous to be walking around on your own in the jungle?"

"I  regained part of my full divinity thanks to your doing. I doubt very  much in this world could harm me now, unless you're referring to Shi, or  your sister perhaps?"

He shook his head, the same smile returning to his face once more. 

This only served to bother Sayu who frowned and asked more forcefully.

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