Chapter 31- The Mer' Domain

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"Stand before the Queen, Fae!" a booming voice echoed across the halls of the court.

Ivory who was taking this situation incredibly lightly simply smiled and pouted putting a pretend serious face as she clapped her feet together and frowned.

"Yes, your majestic majesty the Queen!"

"Silence! One more quip out of you and you shall be delivered to your death!"

Ivory simply nodded her head and made a locking signal on her lips and tossed the pretend key away.

She had arrived mysteriously to this place just yesterday and she was already before the court being treated as a high-class criminal. Ivory found herself suddenly in a platform similar to the one they had been on back in the fallen kingdom. Immediately her presence had set off an alarm and before she could figure out what was happening, she had been surrounded by this place's troops. Between then and now she had learned a few things; for starters, she was somewhere underwater and more than capable of breathing which was apparently a surprising thing to the inhabitants. There's no way Ivory would survive down here without the help of the newly dubbed sister of the all-powerful creator, Arunai. She learned that these people were also not people at all, they were known as the Mer, or mermaids. They were half human-like from the waist up and half-fish race from the waist below that was apparently inhabiting the waters south of the Ducuria Kingdom. Their kind was reclusive and felt threaten by outsiders at the first sign of any which would explain why instead of being welcomed as a potential guest, she was being treated as an enemy of their home.

Many faces looked down upon the girl who stood in front of the Queen of the Mer Neridia with a feel of dislike. They wanted her out of here as soon as possible through any means possible, including executing her. However, on the other hand, the Queen looked down at her with a much kinder face. Note, it was not a face of someone that felt a sense of pity or mercy towards her, but off one that was indifferent towards her presence, which in comparison to the others angry glares and distasteful looks was indeed a much kinder expression.

She was a tall beautiful woman with a soft face. Her hair floated behind her as the calm of the waters dragged it from one side to the other. It was a spectrum of different colors as it gleamed and shined through the light of the sun that reached the deeps below. Her posture was dignifying, that of a royal who had practiced her ethics countless times and her sitting was most lady-like with her tail slightly curved to the side. In her hand she held a large weapon, a trident decorated with gleaming jewels and releasing a fierce aura that surrounded it like a snake coiling through the branches of a tree. Her eyes, lacking any form of iris, simply stared down at her with the same arrangement of colors that her hair displayed.

"State your name introder!"

Ivory glanced over at the voice that asked and playfully pointed towards the ground where she had tossed the invisible key.

The people let out angry murmurs at this display before the voice spoke once again.

"Silence! YOU, you show up to our kingdom, uninvited with less than a flimsy excuse and make a mockery of our proceedings with your childish games?! I shall ask once more and so help me now, the Queen that sits before me-"

Yawn, why do they have to howl so loud when they speak?

'We're in trouble here maybe we should be paying attention.'

This, is not trouble, this is hardly WORTH the trouble. I still think we should erase a few of them s-

'No, no violence, please. I can't condone that'

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