Extra Chapter 4- On the Edge

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'Strike from the left, follow up pincer attack, side step to the right, two quick jabs at it, put five feet distance between, there's the tail.'

How naturally it came to him, even in this situation where he was outclassed. His body and mind quickly adapted to every move the monster took. His eyes didn't leave the monsters own, a seemingly large scorpion, bleached with the desert's sand coating him, and a pair of dark reflective eyes with a blaze of fury behind them.

"HIYAAAGH!" It let out a screeching echo as it lifted its pincers into the air.

The walls, which spread from a good three hundred feet from each other shook underneath the monster's beckon. The sands picked up, flowing wildly through the air like a sandstorm picking up momentum.

He raised his hand over his face to make sure the sand wouldn't get on his eyes, but he was sure to keep an eye on the oversized towering monster before him.

'Ah, so I've angered it with my little dance.'

The giant scorpion easily towered twenty feet over him, and took up at least fifty feet of space. For such a large creature, it was agile and surprisingly smart. Had he not adapted so quickly he might already be dead.

His peripherals showed a small number at the corner of his eye, showing exactly how far from death he was.

'Eleven HP huh, I might be pushing it, heh.'

If any hit landed, that was it for him, but not like he intended to allow the creature to have its way.

The scorpion stopped its howl, and without a second to waste, threw itself into the air and towards him.

'Can't land the last hit so you're throwing yourself at me as a last resort, huh.'

Signs of desperation from an overwhelming opponent were always a welcoming sight. It meant it was losing focus and its cool making it much easier for him to counter.

His footwork made easy due from the monster's sad attempt to deal that last bit of damage. Like the wind being pushed he moved back, every push against the sand beneath his feet putting a good few feet distance between. By the time it landed where he had been standing, he was already completely at a safe distance.

Its body crashed against the blanket of sand sending it once more into the air, this time like a large wave of water it flowed outwards leaving a meteor sized crater behind. It didn't take a break, soon as it landed, it rushed at full speed.

He was ready for a counter attack this time though, he bend low enough for his hands to graze over the sand and used his quick footwork to instantly move out of the attack's way at the last second.

The scorpion was too large to make quick turns but it had a way around that. Soon as it noticed him move, it slam its tail against the ground slowing down its momentum, and then jumped in the direction he was moving.

'Heh, it's not letting me breathe.'

He kept his back arched and low, swiped his hand through the sand once again, and made a quick turned at the last second as the scorpion's giant figure came crashing down again.

The game of cat and mouse continued, the scorpion throwing itself over and over again at him while he continued to dodge effortlessly through every attack. It wasn't long before piles of sand had taken on small hills while other parts looked less bare and void of a proper surface.

'That's it big guy, keep it up, you almost got me.'

Everything was ready, he turned over just to see the scorpion's towering figuring running at him again.

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