Chapter 87- The 200 IQ Plan

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Sayu felt her voice dry out as she clamped her mouth shut over and over again. It was hard to admit but part of her was tempted to take this new comers offer. So far the past few weeks had been some of the worst she had ever experience. There were good moments in between but they were so far and few in the storm of a complete mess she had become it was like looking for a glass of water in the middle of a desert.

Still, her eyes became glued onto Kami who had now raised his head and seemed almost completely unfazed. In fact, he was smiling, not at her, but at the Creator who was calmly staring back at him.

"Trying to convert Sayu over to your side with sweet words? I would say that's beneath me but, you know, we're the same and all."

"I am giving her a chance to kneel before me and take my kind offer, I have been far less generous to ever other version of her that I've dealt with."

Kami frowned his eyebrows showing some slight discomfort but shrugged it off and continued to smile sheepishly. "You're trying to get me all psyched up, that's uncalled for."

"It brings me some form of pleasure knowing you're bothered by the idea of me taking your preferred Creation. If I must speak the truth, this is the only reason why she is still even breathing."

She glanced back at the large figure whose hand tighten around her shoulder. Sayu winced as a shock of pain shot from its grip down her body. "D-does this mean you'll kill me if I refuse?"

He glanced down at Sayu and nodded his head. "Of course, perhaps it won't be as easy now that Kami is on alert, my opening chance was wasted, but I believe you'll make the right choice, the choice you were made to do."

"Oi, leave the girl alone for a second she's a mess as it is." Kami interrupted as he stood up on his feet and let out a sigh. "Let's talk civilized for a second."

"You want to exchange words with me?" A loud, hardy, echoing laugh escaped his mouth as his hand released Sayu and reached out for his stomach. It appeared Kami's suggestion brought a level of amusement to this Creator. His laugh rang across the empty field only intensifying with every passing second. "Please, entertain me, what did you have in mind to stop me from putting you down?"

"I wasn't exactly thinking about stopping you, at least, not the way you think."

"Oh? Why not?"

"The same reason I let everything else do as they wish, free will."

His expression hardened at Kami's words leaving no traces of the laughter he had displayed just a few seconds ago. The tone of his voice grew ever so more menacing as he spoke. "Do you find this to be a joke?"

"It's very off-pudding for a joke, I mean what I said."

Sayu let out a cough and mumbled. "Off-putting..."

"Are you not taking this seriously?" he said, stepping up and pushing Sayu to the ground by his mere strength as he walked past her.

"K-Kami?" Sayu let out a small yelp as her body hit the dirt. Her eyes quickly averted towards the still nonchalant Kami who stood stoically at the approaching larger figure.

Kami however didn't stand still for long, he raised his fingers, ready to snap them immediately putting the Creator into a defensive stance.

"Straight to a battle I see? This won't be as easy as snappin-"

His fingers snapped and instantly the Creator felt a weight pulling him down. It wasn't a force of gravity being pushed against him, in fact, it was just simply the gravity. His power began draining from his very body as he scanned around in confusion. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't prevent it, even though his power should easily be able to counter Kami's.

"What have you done?!" his eyes furiously locked onto Kami who smiled triumphantly.

"Hehe. Isn't it obvious?"

Several small textboxes appeared in front of his eyes which only further drew him into confusion.

[Omnipotence has been disabled]

[Omniscience has been disabled]

[Omnipresence has been disabled]

"W-what? What's happening?!" he further demanded his anger reaching a boiling point.

"Ohohoho!" Kami laughed in an uncharacteristical mannerism. His hand clasped over his mouth and his eyes squinted in delight. "I can't believe it worked that easily, was your curiosity that extreme you walked into my timeline without thinking I would have setup something in play?"

A fourth notification appeared.

[Law of the Forsaken Realm in Effect]

"Yes that is right! I have forced onto you the rules placed in this world, with this ability even God himself cannot reactivate his full power rendering you useless! Bwahaha!"

"Impossible, utterly impossible; as God himself I do not need to abide by this worlds rules!"

"Ahh that is true, normally so true." Kami nodded his head in agreement as he crossed his arms.

You could easily see that he was still pleased with himself as he continued to speak. "It would take the entire power of another Creator simply to force you to follow this worlds rules."

"You mean to have given up your own powers as well... in order to bring me down to this weakened state..."

"Hmmm, half correct. I am now also in this weakened state, as you, however I need to still take you down, otherwise we are in a stalemate, I needed a little extra help."

"Extra help?"

"Right, my other self, saint that she was, gave up the entirety of her power simply to make this possible. I can go all out with my in character without having to concentrate on keeping you down.

"I don't underst-"

"This isn't my doing, its hers, she casted this Ultimate-God-tier level spell before leaving, having me be the activation. Ohohohoho!" Kami happily laughed once more in a completely different manner than his usual self. "Didn't you wonder why it was so easy to take her out?"

"What is this childish game? Are you making a mockery of me?!"

Hard as he tried though, nothing he didn't would react, he tried to break past the childish rules placed in effect but to no avail. It seemed that despite the idiocrasy and simplicity of the situation, he really was unable to do anything about it. This only filled him with frustration. The thought of being beaten by such a stupid trick almost becoming unberable.

Sayu who had been listening carefully only stood up and glared at Kami. "W-wait...why didn't you just activate the spell from outside this universe and keep your full powers outside of its range effect?"




There was a long pause as Kami finally coughed and nervously laughed.

"W-well you see he would appear anywhere I go so I had to lure him into the trap. A-additionally it's the-"

"You liar!"

"There's a perfectly good reason I'm just not going explain it! Long story short, this is the best outcome. Besides it doesn't work like that. Bah, would you stop whining for five seconds and just follow along!"

"How is this the best outcome?!" Sayu yelled out at Kami ignoring his request.

In return he smirked as he cracked his knuckles.

"God mode's been disabled Sayu, he's just a guy with a lot of stat points, meaning he can hit zero."

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