Chapter 66- A Mistake

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Tenaya  rushed past the tent her footsteps swiftly moving through the people  whose eyes wandered over to her. Hiromichi followed closely behind  reaching out for the desperate Tenaya.

"Hey, hey what's the rush?!"

"Shut up, shut up! I- I have to think of a way out I can't let the people of my tribe die just like that!"

"Relax!  I don't think you're seeing how easy this will be. We're more than  capable of handling them now! We have overwhelming strength even-"

"You're SO dense!" she said as she stormed away once more leaving Hiromichi stunned.

"What the hell is her deal...?" Hiromichi mumbled feeling a bit disgruntled.

"What's happening?"

Hiromichi turned around to find Sayu standing just a few feet away. Her eyes wandered between him and Tenaya who continued to walk away.

"Tch, weren't you somewhere with Kami? I'm surprised you're not five feet behind him without his notice." Hiromichi grinned.

"What did you do?" Sayu asked with a worried expression.

"Me?! I didn't do anything!"

Hiromichi  began to explain everything that had happened so far. From the fact  that they were being considered a threat to the attack the other tribes  had planned against them. Sayu just looked at Hiromichi with the same expression until he finally asked.

"What?! Why are you just staring at me like that?"

"Nothing,  you two handled this situation poorly, but there seems to be very  little leeway that they gave her. However, you are really being dense  about the situation."

"Alright hot shot, what am I doing wrong then?"

"It's clear she had no intent to fight the other tribes, this is probably why she prefered  having the Chief's meet up to discuss the situation. It's not about the  fact that we can outclass them easily, it's that she would rather much  avoid the confrontation overall."

"Heh, that seems a little bit like cowar-"

"Stop  and think for a second, these are her people, people that she probably  grew up with and knew, the last thing you want to do with them, is have a  fight that will lead to deaths. Even if we come out on top or not, loss is loss."

Hiromichi  grumbled displeasingly. "Alright, so then what the hell are we supposed  to do then? I don't think laying back and letting them kill us is any  better for a plan."

Sayu  thought about the situation for a moment. It did seem no matter what,  they would have to pick up arms and fight. This however did not mean  they would have to aim to kill them.

"We should hold back, aiming to kill anybody should be a restriction, only to disable."

"Hold back?! I... I can do that I guess... still that probably won't stop them from continuing to attack us right?!"

Sayu  nodded her head. Disabling an opponent would only leave them  temporarily out of the fight, but once they came to, they would easily  be able to attack once again. They couldn't spend their entire time  simply knocking out one enemy after another forever, they would have to  reach an end point somewhere along the line.

"Perhaps leaving will help ease their anger."

"Heh, I doubt it! They already think this tribe is cursed; they won't even dare get near it unless its to trample over it I guess!"

Sayu  bit her lip. Hiromichi was surprisingly right, at this point leaving  might actually make the situation worse for Tenaya and the tribe.


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