Chapter 25- Vegter B'eter

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Kami and Edona stared at the crowd of people, huddled in a circle around Thief who sat on a small table chugging down drinks. The crowd cheered and awed in amazement as she took one drink after another without stopping.

The monster that had attacked them had easily been dealt with, despite her initial fear of it, once Thief had swung her newly given daggers down on it. Everyone seemed to have seen Thief kill the monster so she was taking all the attention of the people from the town. Now Kami and Edona sat on a desolated corner of this small establishment while the crowd of people went nuts over Thief's alcoholic tendencies.

She shrugged and hunched over only observing the inhabitants through the corner of her eyes.

Kami glanced at the nervous wreck of a Goddess next to him and pondered.

"What are we dealing with here in this nation?"

"We don't know too much about this place, the Dark Province I mean. This entire land has zero Divine Influence."

"Care to elaborate on all that?"

"C-certainly, Divine Influence is the power a God has over a certain land. For example, the Ducuria Kingdom is under Iatra's Influence, meaning she receives benefits for maintaining that land under her control and vice versa, the mortals of that land receive beneficial protection from her. This could come in the shape of Heroes, blessings, or most importantly, keeping other God's from directly attacking or conquering the land."

"Okay so all the Heroes are basically her blessings?"

"Yes, and no. Since we alliance with her, we get a share of influence over the land's that are hers so we can in return bless mortals with our own strength making Heroes."

"So, on the land ruled by the God of Calamity, Heroes can't be born?"

"N-not so likely. It's possible if Iatra directly intervenes but then that puts Otherworld's thrones at risk. The best thumb rule for this is, if it's not ours, we don't touch it directly with our hands."

"Okay, so past that bit of confusing information, what's the deal with the Dark Province? I mean, the whole, can't use skills part, that's a bit strange, don't you think?"

"Y-yes God's influence can touch this land, there's something about it that keeps all divine power out, along with the use of skills being almost impossible here. We investigated this land a few centuries back but couldn't really figure out what was going on. External magical skills can reach this land, like the teleporter, but once inside using a skill to leave is nearly impossible. For this reason, neither Iatra or the God of Calamity have any influence here. It stands to reason, that the people here probably have no idea what a God even is. Even more, nobody visits this land, so it's mostly a one race country."

"Interesting... we're walking blind here then?"

"Y-yes...a bit..."

Kami glanced down at his glass and stared at the blacken smudge-like beverage in front of him. Their land was mostly bleak and dark and so was their food and drinks apparently. He had taken a look around to see what others were having and almost everything had the same color, from their meats their vegetations, even their most basic need like water had a dark tint to it. There didn't seem to be any added substance but Kami couldn't help but feel there was something else to this whole thing.

"On another note, when were you going to tell me your strength is beyond insane."


"I mean, even Asobi's stats are not that high, and the Level, 125? Is that normal; plus, you have a unique stat in intelligence. There's a lot I'm curious about you now."

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