Chapter 35- Kings and Their Falling Nation

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Today was a tragic day, a day he did not foretell would happen. It had happened in a flash, his entire country, completely fallen to its feet within a week. The King now awaited the arrival of the enemy troops, the sound of battle just a mere footstep outside this once fortified castle. He patiently waited, every second feeling like an eternity.

He was a large beast-like creature, with large clunky armor. His dark gaze was fixed on the entrance, hoping to get the drop on an unsuspecting enemy. His claws held a large spear, one that was considered an Arms weapon and a precious weapon of his kingdom. At some point in the past, during the war that had allowed his kind to gain its freedom, this weapon had allowed the once leader of this nation to overcome his foes. The spear was lackluster in appearance but there was an overwhelming aura of strength one got when they held it. It could easily be indistinguishable from an ordinary guards weapon but perhaps this is what made its power so effective. He licked his fangs making sure they were still sharp enough to launch a bite if it came down to it. It had been years since he had entered combat, but today was not the day to hesitate.

"Your Majesty!" spoke a guard out of breath. He had come in from the sides which somehow caught him off guard.

The King felt his heart skip a beat but showed no signs of fear in his face as he turned around and stared at the panting soldier.

"The Queen and your daughters have been safely moved! There is no longer any need to fear for their lives."

The King grasped on the spear and laughed happily which only made the guard that much more confused.

"Phew, that honestly was my only worry. I'm afraid the people of this land have a selfish King as their leader."

"Th-that's not true your majesty, you've done much for us, we would gladly give our lives to safe yours!" the guard rebutted with a strong certainty.

"You flatter me, what's your name kid?"

"N-Noris your majesty!"

"Noris, you have kids or a wife?"

"No your majesty!"

"Call me Clamedus, I can't take the luxury of formalities in this time of distress."

"Y-your majesty?"

Clamedus frowned down at the guard who shrunk and spoke once more.

"N-no Clamedus, I have no kids or a wife, but I do have someone I wish to protect!"

The King rubbed on his dark-silver fur for a second and nodded his head. The sounds of soldiers outside being killed grew as he sat in silence.

"Love is a beautiful thing young one, what is the name of this person you wish to protect?"

Noris glance at the door as he heard it bang. The enemy troops were right outside, with no line of defense to protect them anymore. He raised his sword towards the door and spoke.

"H-her name is Malvelina! S-she lives in a small village North of here, Reef Village, your-sir!"

"Still to be touched by the enemy's lines... I see, then go."


"Go kid. I relieve you of your duties."

Noris tighten his grip on his sword as he looked between the banging doors and the king.

"I- I can't leave you here your majesty! It would be like turning my back on my kingdom!"

Clamedus chuckled and raised his large figure over Noris. His enormous size made him look threatening and almost made Noris himself drop his sword but he regain his composure before doing so.

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