Chapter 90- Reunions

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Sayu felt her footing completely lost at the force of being thrown back as she landed on the hard ground with a hard thud.

"Ngh... w-wait Kami!"

She felt a sudden urgency to stand as she got back on her feet and tried running back into the portal only for it to instantly close before she could get to it. Her arm was left outstretched in the air as she tried to understand what just happened.

"M-maybe if I... do I..."

She opened her list of skills with an alarming sense of time. Her eyes desperately searching for anything that could help but nothing looked remotely like it would help.

"Come on, come on, something, anything!"

It couldn't be over that fast. There was some hope that Kami had finally decided to fight back or that perhaps it was all part of his plan all along and now that they had God where he wanted, the tables would be turned. That last second expression she saw on his face though, was something she had never in all of time seen. An act of concern, a sparkle of fear in his eyes for what was coming, and a desperation to save what little he could before it was too late.

Sayu opened menu after menu, skills, passives, stats, settings, anything that she could think of and one more as she desperately tried finding a way to get back.


Someone's voice she recognized all too well called out to her. She looked back and saw a girl running up to her and suddenly fling her arms around her neck.

"It is you! Oh, I'm so happy to see you its been a nightmare all this time, ku! Where did you come from? Never mind, don't tell me, where's Kami, and Hiromichi? W-what about Himari is she okay?"

Thief's sudden bombardment of questions flooded Sayu's mind as she tried to get a word in.


A large blinding light over the horizon instantly drew their attention away from their reunion. It was like the sun was rising over the large drawn scale of mountains, as though a second star had been born right in front of their eyes. The shimmering only grew larger and larger and before they could react a large wave of energy shot them back followed by the sounds of a deafening explosion.

The sky and ground itself shook with a threating force, the ground crackling and unleashing a violent display of pressure from underneath, while the sky itself darkened even further than it already was only to unleash a hollow like scream, as though the very skies themselves were screaming in pain. The only source of light became that malevolent light source that didn't look like it was dying out anytime soon.

Sayu and Thief groveled in the ground for a bit, the only sound they could make out was a loud pitch in their ear. Their vision became blurry for a few but within a few seconds they could see everything normally once again.

"S-Sayu...what's happening..ku..."

Sayu could barely make out her voice as she struggled to get back on her feet. Whatever it was, it must have been an act of God.

"Thief... are you okay?"

"Ku, y-yeah, I think so..."

She felt her HP taking a blow, it wasn't too significant but it was a chunk nonetheless.

"Thief we...we have to find a way to get over there..."


"T-that place, that's where Kami and Hiromichi are, w-we can't stay here!" She spoke as her legs forcefully pushed her body up. The dizziness returned making her stumbled around for a bit but she easily overcame that with her determination.

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