Chapter 94- Down it Goes

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'Huh? So this is how that feels. I mean, I guess I saw it coming. I saw it all coming. What ending was this again? I can't remember exactly...'

Kami felt his vision growing blurry, and his body increasingly numb to the pain. There was a loud screech at first punching vigorously against his ear drums, but even that started fading out and eventually, everything grew quiet.

His head turned with the utmost minuscule of strength left just to see what was happening to the others.

Sayu, who he had thought was probably knocked out. Was actually now desperately trying to keep Thief on her feet. The sense of panic in her eyes as she looked between Thief and him was visible, even to him, who could barely make out their figures. His eyes rolled a bit back, in an attempt to see where Hiromichi but he couldn't make him out anywhere.

'Ah, I've been many things in my existence, I wonder if maybe...somewhere out there, there's an afterlife for someone like a super Heaven or something..haha..'

The grip his hands had around God's larger, bulkier arm began loosening, and the embrace of darkness began seeping into his vision.

'Then again, I guess there's no guarantee that I would go there, right? I've done some pretty bad things myself at some point or another. Even then, I spend most of my time in front of a monitor playing games. That's not grounds for punishment, right?'

For a second, he heard a loud breaking sound, like glass being cracked under the pressure of water. It persisted, until eventually a shattering echo follow and again, utter silence.

'It would be pretty cool to discover I'm not the big fish out there, maybe just some pawn in a grander scheme. Like a character of a story simply being written in for the sake of entertaining some grander beings akin to the way mortals think of me.'

His eyes closed, and past the rough palm of God's hand, he smiled.

'That sounds nice, maybe I would be reborn into another world properly that way...'

His regrets would be many, but nothing more than how things turned out. If he could have had enough time to play games with Hiromichi and hang out, more time to deal with Thief's shenanigans, teach Himari and care for her, fix things between Sayu and himself; if only.

'Well, guess the future will tell, I'm sorry everyone.'

A long period of nothing but void and serene nothingness followed as Kami's body dropped to the ground.


Sayu desperately glanced between her two allies, as she tried her best to keep Thief on her feet.

Thief's face was begin to grow blue, and cold. She grasped desperately at her throat, her hands digging at it, trying to find a way to let air in.

"I-I'm sorry Thief, I-I don't have...a..." her eyes rose towards Kami, her last hope. She hoped that despite his situation, maybe he had a way around it, but what she saw only made her hopes drop.

Kami's lifeless body on the ground, his eyes closed, and the same stupid smile he always had, the last smile she thought she would ever see coming from him.

For a moment she forgot she was holding onto Thief as her knees grew weak. A sharp, indescribable pain struck her chest and she felt herself losing hope. Only for a fraction of a second before grasping onto Thief who was starting to feel like a sack.

"Okay, okay think, think what now, what do we-"

There was something, small tugging at her skirt. Her eyes snapped to the ground, as a small little doll, reminiscent of Kami stared back, its beady little eyes simply blinking back at her curiously.

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