Chapter 76- Subjugation

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Thief had closed her eyes once more. She had seen the swift strike of the Primal Beast coming down on her, and she knew that as soon as it hit, that would be the last thing she saw. Once again though, she found herself standing clueless and unharmed. She slowly opened her eyes and found the monster just a couple off feet away from her, its claws nearly reaching her face, which made her jump back.


Her eyes wandered over to Kami who had her hand extended and aimed at the beast. She had a satisfactory smile spread across her face as she joyfully strode over to Thief.

"[Chrono Suspension]. It won't be moving for a while."

"I-It won't?"

"Not unless its got an ability to manipulate the time around its own radius."

"You couldn't just put it to sleep or something, ku?"

"Oh, you're such a whiner~" Kami replied in a delightful hum.

"I thought you wouldn't interfere, did my threats finally get to you?"

Kami shook her head, her sight focused solely on the large beast suspended in the air, frozen in a state of time.

"Nope! Not even close."

"That reminds me, why are you here again, ku ku?"

"Oh~! I've been here before, right? I'm afraid it was probably me from further down my own timeline, these things can be so complicated!" replied Kami enthusiastically.

"...Ok...but where is my Kami...again."

"Probably where I should be, meanwhile I'll be taking over as your temporary Celestial Deity!"

Thief sat on the ground with a heavy thud and let out a loud sigh. She missed the days the worst she had to worry about was avoiding death from some random dungeon monsters. This whole situation kept escalating past her pay grade.

"Ku, I think I'm going to let you guys handle whatever is going on with that, no questions asked. For now, what do we do about this guy?" Thief asked, glancing up at the Primal Beast.

"We can't get rid of it, now can we. This creature is important, even if a bit stupid. The best solution is still to have it under control."

"Well I have the title now. You going to use your voodoo magic god powers to give it back to Circe?"

Kami simply shook her head and strolled casually over to Thief. Her looming presence made Thief shiver and made her throat run dry.

"W-what are you doing?"

There was no response as Kami simply crouched next to her and lifted the palm of her hand.

They both stared at her empty hand for a few moments of silence. Thief was about to ask again what was she up to but before she could say anything. There was a small gleam as a glowing gem appeared from thin air. It resembled a glowing yellow amber stone that had been cut in the shape of a small triangle. The gem began to slowly encase itself around a small case that looked like crystal. The case was of the same shape as the gem, serving as a protective barrier. It wasn't over, as the case sprouted a small chain and it became obvious to Thief that this was a necklace being crafted in front of her.

Once the spectacle was over,the light died down and Kami simply offered the necklace.

"For me?"


"W-what is it for?"

"Think of it as a binding artifact. I shall dub this [Primal Necklace of Subjugation]. Has a very strong RPG name to it don't you think?"

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