Chapter 103- The Son

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'What strange heat, and this feeling... what is this?'

His hand grasped onto the sensation of something dry and crumbling between his fingertips. It felt warm at first to the touch. The more he held onto it, the more it started burning until he finally released it from his grasp.

'This... is this sand?'

The burning sensation began creeping to the side of his face. It was pleasant, relaxing like a warm blanket after a cold day. Except, it wasn't cold, in fact, it began feeling increasingly, drenching levels, of hot.

'Hmmm, this is nice... no... this's...its-!'

The growing sensation of overwhelming heat forced him to open his eyelids in an instant and shot up into the air. He landed on his feet, his sole focus on the sand still attached to his face.

"Ow, ow ow ow!" he exclaimed now aware of the fiery inferno around him. He rubbed on his face, half lucid still from the traumatic experience of waking up, face deep in burning sand. "Who leaves sand laying around...the..."

His eyes scouted the area. Perhaps it was the sudden heat causing a lack of common sense in his thought process, or the feeling of completely being lost and appearing somewhere strange, but either way, Kami glanced around the mountains of sand, and his detective work during this state of complete delirium lead him to one conclusion.

"Someone dried up the water." he mumbled with confidence.

The hot air of the desert blew on his face, as if trying to wake him up further, but it only served to push him deeper into a confused state.

"What am I doing here?"

His first thought was that he had been kidnapped and later, left in the desert to die. Maybe, he was a sand dweller, who had strayed far from his nomadic clan of people and nearly collapsed under the extreme heat conditions. This brough a few other questions as his brain began to work overtime.

"Who am I? Where am I?"

There was no immediate response, however, eventually a small noticed appeared in front of his eyes, which startled him.

"Wha-what's that?!"

A small window hovered over his eyes, and no matter where he looked, it simply stayed center of his eye sight. After testing it out the message for a few, he finally decided to read its contents, as it might have a clue to his whereabouts.

『Patch Successful! Welcome to Tyr 1.1! 』

"Welcome o Tyr?" he questioned.

His head was starting to unscramble, and the temporary insanity vanished alongside. He felt like he head heard that name before, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

The message disappeared and, in its place,, a new one popped open.

Greeting players! Due to balancing issues with the previous patch, a new system has been implemented. By doing so, we hope that your gameplay in the future will be an enjoyable and completely new experience from the previous one. Due to this implementation, a reset on all players has been put in motion. See you on the grind players!

                                                                                                                                                                           -  The GM

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