Chapter 3- Lucifer's Aspiration

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"Boring, so boring"

The self-pronounced new ruler of Heaven dangled her head from the side of Kami's throne. Her expression was dull and lifeless as the passing of the clock ticked ever so slowly in her head.

Heaven had taken a turn for the worse in the three-month period, being much longer in Heaven, that Kami had been away. Now the shadows of the darkness loamed over the horizon and the delightful sounds that arose from Heaven's inhabitants had been drowned by a sea of stillness. Although her initial plan had been to keep Creation from collapsing in on itself as a way to sway her brother's favor, the long amount of waiting had made her reveal her more, true nature.

The once magnificent and gleaming light that arose through every corner of Heaven had slowly been decayed by her aura of power as she tried less and less to contain it. Even though the power of Creation was now something accessible, its use was of no benefit if she couldn't show Kami. Therefore, she quickly lost interest in keeping Heaven in the image Kami had left it in, considering it would return to normal when she suppressed her aura or left. That powerful was Kami's energy which he embedded into the walls of Heaven. No matter how hard she would try, at best her strength would temporarily change Heaven's appearance instead of erasing it to nothing. Of course, destroying it itself would be an easier task than hoping her aura would eradicate its existence.

However, for the rest of Creation she had been keeping it from collapsing in on its own this whole time and made the angels learn how to properly manage it in her absence. Those who lacked the skill necessary were erased by her will, forever disposed of for their weakness.

"Close and distant and far." she mumbled, balancing the small sphere representing the Universe Kami was currently in.

"Here you are, impatient as ever I see."

Lucifer called out from the corner of her eye.

In his hand was a small bag which looked to contain an assortment of marble-like spheres.

She sighed and continued to toss the small Universe from one hand to the other.

"Is that a new batch..."

"It is, we managed to make the effects stronger, so your regression to normal should take a lot longer. Using this much to keep yourself using the power of Creation is unheard off. Any other being who would consume this much might find themselves dead."

With that, he made his way towards her and placed bag in arm rest of the throne.

Oblivious to his movements, Heaven's Temp-Ruler continued her dull expression.

"I suppose the plan is going quite slow on the other side then?"

She nodded her head and began mumbling a song, twirling the sphere object between her finger tips.

Lucifer had grown accustomed to this level of behavior. Although it had only been three months in their Universe, more than a few years had pass in Heaven meaning his period of being a butler was much more than people would think. At first it was somewhat infuriating being at the mercy of such a childish being, almost reminiscent of his father in his later years. Even so, now he couldn't help but stay by her side when he needed it, considering this to be a form of stockholm syndrome done over him.

No, it was more than that. In nature, they were probably alike. She was indefinitely not good or evil, although her actions dictated the latter at times. The mask behind her personality was of one longing to exist somewhere and be a part of something, a feeling he knew all too well when his father had banished him from Heaven. As a fellow kindle soul, he quickly connected and saw the desire for acknowledgement behind her every action, her need to be recognized by someone who would never turn an eye in their direction. In truth, she mere the image that would have been himself, had it been him who ruled Heaven. For that reason, his sympathy for everything that was done since she came was hers alone. By helping her, it aided his own recovery, giving him the reason to leave her presence.

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