Chapter 16- At Gates Bay

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"Unbelievable, I never imagined a human could have this much strength." Isume thought to himself.

The air around him was tense as the flames the small girl had casted beforehand were raised like tall walls surrounding his men and him. The two armies were now trapped in a circle of fire created by the child who held them in place.

Through the lights of the flames everyone could see her figure standing where she had been from the beginning, watching them closely for any movements they made. It felt like a supreme being starring down at them, observing with her unmoving stare at the small beings in front of her. Despite her appearance and facial expressions demonstrating that she held no animosity or ill will towards them, everyone here could tell she would strike them down the moment they tried to get past her.

Her staff swung between her fingertips casually waiting for the next person to attack.

Isume so far had tried measuring her strength by throwing a few attacks in between but he had very little success. She had her guard up at all time and despite being a mage which would mean her melee range combat should be subpar, her overwhelming strength overlooked this factor and she was able to easily swat his attacks away without the need to reposition herself.

Nonetheless, he still had more to show but he felt the clear show of strength that she had going for her.

Isume raised himself and stood tall in front of this overwhelming strength. He had no intentions of letting a human who by nature was much weaker than him out class him, not today, not ever.

"I'm impressed, perhaps where you come from this level of power could be seen as something otherworldly. In my world you would be classified as a prodigy at best, like myself."

Isume unsheathed his katana-like weapon from his side. He raised it slowly towards the onlooking girl whose gaze stared at him without blinking.

"However, I am here to prove I am more than just a prodigy, so you are just a stepping stone to that cause."

Without any warning his feet moved in a blur towards Himari. His unnatural speed caught the onlooking soldiers by surprise.

"D-damn what the hell is that speed?"

"W-where did he go?"

"Is that the speed of the Fairies?"

The human soldiers seemed to be the ones who were caught off guard while the fairies simply stared with an impressed face. None of them could see where he was or if he was moving.

Himari in spite of that moved her eyes along his every step. To her, Isume was moving at an average speed she could easily react to. She lifted her arm just ahead of where his next few steps would be and murmured.


It was a basic skill that iced the ground right in front of Isume's next step but it worked efficiently.

He stepped on the now layered ice floor and lost his balanced as he slipped forward into a pile of rubble and crashed into it.

The soldiers looked towards the direction of the noise and finally noticed Isume's presence. They were even more amazed that the girl had somehow managed to keep track of his moves, and react fast enough to cast a skill in which to use his speed against him.

Isume felt himself growing angrier while making his way back to his feet.

"You're not taking me seriously. I am impressed that you could see my speed but was that your counter attack? Icing the ground so I would trip and lose balance? You are but a child playing pranks."

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