Extra Chapter 2- The Rematch

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What was the best way to describe what she was currently feeling? Was it fear in the pit of her stomach that boiled or a sense of anxiousness that ran through every fiber of her body. Maybe a mixture of both, maybe something entirely different.

A few deep breaths, an empty room, and a crowd she could make out even from inside these reinforced walls. It was like static, a sound of howls and cheering, people in unison calling out into the wind, raising their voices undistinguishing each from the other that followed. Then, the clanking of metal, a rhythm, one two three, repeat, one two three, again, clashing, grinding and finally silence from the stage, yet the crowd did not stop. Instead, it raised its voice, louder than before, with much more joy and beckoned to the sky. A victor had been decided, a winner had taken a decisive strike versus the other.

An announcer's voice broke through the cheering, taking the lead in this dance she so attentively listened to. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!"

More breathing, more cheering, less time. Her eyelids felt heavy, the welcoming darkness entangled and made the situation all that much bearable. She rubbed her thumbs against the soft surface of weapon she held onto, finding solace in its texture and proximity. A new sound, a new rhythm, this one was much more familiar. It was her heart, the thumping was loud, and paced with the same energy from those outside.


A voice, this one much clearer than the ones from outside. It came from behind, how she could forget. She opened her eyes, and quickly turned over to see the comforting face of a friend. "Thief, I-I'm sorry, I'm just-" her tongue got tied before she could finish. Her mouth was incredibly dry, like she had been thirsty her entire life.

"Ku, are you nervous?"

Nervous, was that it? Yes of course, she was nervous, how could she not realize that.

She barely noticed that Thief had gotten closer. They exchanged a long silent stare, at least, it felt long. Thief hand made the first move, raising itself delicately across the air and finally over her shoulder. "We can leave if you want, I got a bag of gold that's looking to be spent on some drinks, ku ku!"

Alcohol, Thief's kryptonite. If she could, she would spent all their earnings from questing at a bar drinking the nights away.

She had tried drinking a few months back after a near death experience with a group of small Enraged Chicklets, thinking it would help her shed the overwhelming adrenaline. Instead on her first sip, she quickly spit it back out and coughed uncontrollably at the disgusting and drowning odor it produced inside her mouth when she took it in. Hiromichi and Thief had a good laugh at that, along with a few of the patrons who were watching at the time. It had at least helped for a second to calm her jitters, but not like she wanted to. They told her that the taste grows on you, and that perhaps she was too young at the time, but she was determined to believe that alcohol was simply crap. Ever since then, she avoided being handed a free glass, and to Hiromichi and Thief's newfound inside joke, would often offer her some with a smug grin on their face.

"No thanks."

"Ku! Then are you ready? I'm sure you're up next."

It was to be her turn. The cheering had died down a bit now that there wasn't anyone fighting, but it would soon pick up again when the two new contestants would be announced. She couldn't believe after all this time, she would end up here again, except now there were thousands of people watching.

"You should be fine Himari! You did say you fought here before!"

That was also true, but it wasn't the same. Back then it had just been two others who were spectating her fight. One, being the renowned Draconian Hero, Drairgun, and the other-

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