Chapter 77- It's Us

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There was a loud commotion on the outside of the castle walls that echoed across the halls of the throne room. Only a few figures stood in the dim lit space, all of them silently waiting for the presence outside the castle to make their way towards them. In the center, an indifferent face stared at the large doors in front of him. It sat on the throne of what used to be the Elven Kingdom's king rightful seat. To the side, a few of his most used subjects stood. Marie in one side and his first made reaper since coming here, on the other. They seemed just as indifferent about the situation as Shi himself but everyone else in the room seemed in a bit of a panic.

Not so long after Kami had completely shut his connection to his Death Domain off, his army had begun being decimated by what Shi would only imagine to be Kami himself. Slowly the people and creatures he had converted to his side had been brought back to the side of Creation and Shi was slowly losing his small grip on this insignificant world. Still, he wasn't about to roll over and let Kami take an absolute victory, he had made sure that if he lost, Kami would as well.

Shi's eyes wandered over to the stairs leading up to the throne he sat on, and just a few steps down was a small little girl. Her eyes were closed and she kept her hands together all the while trembling at the sounds coming from outside. This small girl had a particular ability that allowed her to move people and objects through large distances, almost like a teleportation ability of sorts. However, with a bit of enhancement, and just the right attunement, Shi was able to manipulate this power of hers into bringing forth someone else from an entirely different timeline. Still, the plan had gone a bit haywire, and the little girl had brought someone else completely different. It was to be expected, her power wasn't mean to be used in such a manner, and it certainly wouldn't be stable. Shi had tried using the amount of Creation energy he had obtained, along with his own Celestial energy, what remained of it anyway, to chain this summoned being into submission, using it as a potential weapon, but no luck. Now, whatever he had brought forth into this world, was storming his castle, alike Kami's intentions before he was sent elsewhere.

"It looks like full circle here, perhaps I'm just grasping at straws now." Shi spoke confidently as the faces of those around him turned to look.

He chuckled and waited patiently for the beast coming from the other side of those walls.

It didn't take long, as the sounds of his once dead army died down, and eventually, the large doors to the entrance slowly began opening. Shi almost let out a sigh of relief, the somewhat familiar features of his brother, Kami, emerging from the otherside. However this being was different, so much so, perhaps 'brother' would be the incorrect term to define this celestial.

"A girl Kami, that's who you dragged into this Universe?" Shi asked, feeling a bit disgruntled towards the small girl that only cowered at his feet.

"I...I..." was all she could muster saying before growing silent.

The girl who came in walked in towards the throne room and hummed loudly as her eyes wandered around the throne room. She didn't seem to be too particularly focused on the others, who had grown alarmed at the presence of this new being.

Some of them in the room, who feared for their safety, drew their weapons, others simply stared silently and with great attentiveness at this girls' next move. Only Shi, and the few around him remained calm and observed as she made her way closer towards the end of the path leading towards the throne.

Eventually, after what felt like a tense moment of silence, she stopped, couple of feet before Shi, her eyes sparkled with delight as she curtsied and spoke in a mocking tone.

"Oh, king of the Elven Kingdom, ruler of Death, I am humbled to be allowed in your presence."

Shi chuckled at the mockery. Clearly this Kami was a bit more of a sociopath than his own.

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