Chapter 83- Keep Going

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She didn't really understand why her mind had wandered so far into the past in such a short amount of time. Her figure stood frozen in place, her eyes wandering over apparently nothing as her foot remained steady over Shi's face.

There was a long period of silence before Shi let out a small cough and spoke in a muffled voice.

"What....what's going on up there?"

Kami glanced down at Shi, her expression seemingly shocked. Her eyes inspected over his figure; the previous notification still open for her to read.


She quickly shook of the idea as the notification was instantly closed. This wasn't like her. This was not what she wanted to do. This was a side that she had long tried to keep tame and it was becoming increasingly harder to control the more she stayed here.

Shi's laughter drained the color from Kami's face as he began howling.

"Oh I can see now! She didn't make a mistake! She did summon the father, just like I wanted her to, little clever girl. Just not the right one, hahaha! Oh sister, how long have you spent trying to suppress our brother's will?"

Her eyes shifted from one end to the other. Shi knew very well what she was. She truly was the Creator, but not in its entirety. That time ago when Kami had decided that everything, including herself would be cleansed from the world, she had to do something. She couldn't possibly kill Kami, not only because of his own overwhelming power, but because she could not bring herself to do it, so she did the best next thing, and merged with his essence. It wasn't an easy task, but this was her specialty, if anything. This she could do even better than the Omnipotent God, meld with him. With the full power of the Void and Creation now inside, even though she went by the Creator, Kami as many know her now, she was her own being in its entirety.

However, it seems that however this Father that was coming to kill this Kami, was one that had not managed to be stopped by the version of herself in that Universe. It was a Father aspect from their own branching timeline. The small girl that had been used to summon her must have mistaken them for the same being and accidently dragged her instead.

"Shi shut up..." Kami simply replied as she stumbled back.

"Oh please, I must now. That is actually fascinating! If there was ever anyone to stop our brother from destroying all of Creation, I never thought it would be you, wasn't your whole thing emptiness and void and your clear obsession with him? Do tell what brought in this change." Shi asked smugly sitting up from the small crater he had been plastered into.

Kami let out a long sigh, as she tried to let Shi's words pass by her. It was much easier to think when she didn't have to take the constant bashing coming from him.

"Please just be quiet for a second. I need to regain my composure."

"You mean lock our screaming brothers will back into the cage?" Shi pressed. "I was so close too, I thought for sure you would reset the entire Universe but of course, you're just not the full Creator."

"How could resetting the Universe help you? You would go out alongside it."

"Ahhh, but I would win, would I not? The ultimate Death, a constant reminder in the back of your head that I brought forth the worlds you created all to its end, simply by mocking and insulting your ego."

"Is that what you think? Haha, oh sweet Shi." Kami murmured showing no signs of her previous anger or hesitation. Her figure carefully moved towards him once more as she kneeled next to him and carefully caressed his chin. "We're way past that point. How many times do you think we've reset the universe without you all knowing?"

He could feel Kami's light, gentle touch against his face as her bright aqua eyes tenderly stared into his own. There was nothing in them that hinted that she was telling him a lie which only made the hairs on his hands stand.


"Oh! Would you look at the time! I'm afraid as distasteful as this reunion was I have somewhere else to be! It's almost time for me to return to my own Universe and Kami's death is approaching! I need to be playing my part by then! Well, ta-ta!"

In a blink of an eye, leaving Shi in utter confusion, Kami had disappeared from sight. The longing silence weight heavily on him as he sat there dumbfounded in the middle of the broken throne room. Kami had always been somehow whose mind he could barely capture but the sudden changing back and forth and finally being let go freely as though nothing had happened was something he didn't expect. However, what was more concerning to him now was what she had said right before deciding to leave.

He stood up slowly as the rays from the sun slowly started emitting inside the room. The clouds above the city that had been covering its surroundings dissipated leaving what people would call a perfect weather behind.


Shi glanced around at the rubble of what his short time kingdom used to be and simply chuckled.

"I wonder..."

He started walking, slowly, one step at a time towards the exit of the castle. He gave little attention to those around him that were waking up, their lives being handed back to them. He knew it was time to move forward, if this kingdom had not served its purpose, then perhaps the next one will. Still, there was much to do, to prepare for the fall of his brother Kami.

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