A Christmas Special Part 1

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It was another peaceful day in Heaven; the silence of the lingering bright empty room was barely disrupted by a figure who sat in what appeared to be a gliding chair. It was Sayu, who adamantly scrolled through a barely visible monitor, her fingers gracefully moving from one end to the other. Her eyes were fixed solely on the changing screen, while her body shifted every so often back and forth between the seat.

It was only after what felt like an eternity of looking that she finally let out a small sigh and slouched back onto the chair.

"Perhaps the other lists has something..." she noted as she picked up a small tablet and began scanning its contents.


An unexpected voice made her jump slightly as her gaze quickly moved towards the direction where it came from.

Edona stood dumbfounded just a couple of feet away from her, her eyes glued to Sayu's.

"Edona? How...right the key. What are you doing here?" Sayu asked, her body turning away from the monitor for the first time in what felt like days.

"I just came to p-pick up a few more books from the l-library. T-the key d-doesn't really have a fixed point to where it teleports me, I-Im sorry if I disturbed you from your work." she replied, her head and eyes dropping to the ground.

Sayu shook her head and lowered her shoulders in what seemed like defeat before speaking.

"It's fine, I could use the distraction."

"W-why is that?"

Sayu looked back at the monitor for a second before responding.

"I've been looking for the perfect gift throughout the universes, it just seems like he has them all already..."


"Yes, a gift."

"W-what for, is it a special occasion?" Edona asked, her curiosity ignited.

"Christmas, it's about that time again."


"Oh, I forgot your universe doesn't know what that is. Allow me to explain, Christmas is kind of special on its own, many universes and cultures have many different uses for it. For example, some use it as a ways to have families and friends come together and celebrate a time of joy and peace. Others use it as a way to symbolize the beginning of new life and the passage of time. It's safe to assume almost every universe has a version of Christmas. My personal favorite is universe fifteen, they tend to get dramatically freaky with the salmons around that time." Sayu seemed almost entertain at the idea as her mind drifted into thought.

"I'm still not sure w-what that has to do with a gift."

"Well, predominantly, gifting is a strong aspect of Christmas, you buy or make something that you want to give somebody around this time, o-or multiple people!" Sayu said with haste.

"S-so buying something for Kami?" Edona added.

"W-well I was hoping to, yes;I generally do every year. Believe it or not Kami gets really excited over Christmas."

"He does?"

"Yes, his favorite interpretation of the meaning behind Christmas would be that its his birthday."

"W-what?!" Edona added with a sense of panic." I-I thought he had always existed I-I was unaware today w-was such a special day!"

"Don't panic, it's not...really his birthday, he just likes to think of it as so. Additionally, he's a strong believer in Santa Claus."

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