Chapter 97- Finishing a Fight

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It was unreal, borderline insanity. What the was this doll made of? Was it even just a doll?

All these questions and more filled God's mind as the doll took yet another of his punches.

It's small body slid back just a few feet burying itself underneath the ground by the sheer force of the attack, but showed no signs of having taken pain. In fact, it just ran up towards God and started swatting at his leg repeatedly with its stubby arms.

Despite the comical appearance of the situation, God could feel a good portion of pain each time it took a swing. He backed off from the pestering toy.

"This is no longer amusing."

He gripped both his hands together and lifted them up high into the air. The doll was coming at him full force, ignoring any signs of his attacks, which made it easy for God to land everything he threw at it. Right as it got close, he swung down with full force, hammering down at the doll whose last expression he saw was its beady eyes disappearing underneath the ground.

The full force of the swing caused the ground around him to explode and crackle, sending chunks of debris flying left and right along with a strong wind swirling and lifted the dust into the air. It was similar to a small sandstorm that died as quickly as it had been raised. A large crater had been formed in a blink of an eye, and at the center, a hole about the size of the doll that went further underground; so far in fact, there didn't appear to be a way anything would come back from there at all.

God frowned, knowing full well that the doll had probably survived his attack, but all he really wanted was to stop its nonstop pestering. The idea though didn't make him feel better, it was as though he was being mocked. The almighty powerful Creator, who can't even get rid of a child's toy. Part of him knew it must be Kami's doing, but it didn't make it any better. On the other hand, Kami had been dealt with, much easier than he had anticipated. This was just a leftover from Kami's childish antics, he would soon get rid of it all.

His frustration subsided and he chuckled, feeling pleased with the outcome. It was too good of a situation to stay in a foul mood. There was no one standing in his way now. He would find a way out of this Universe, take the throne of Heaven, and lead Creation to a much brighter future, one without the bleak aspect of free will, one that will follow his justice, and under it, those he deemed worthy of living.

So lost in his own victory, that he hardly noticed the familiar girl who had been attempting to approach him multiple times quickly pass by him once more. This time, he felt another pull, like the first time. Something had been taken from him as the notification in front of his eyes read.

[Passive [Omnipresence] has been stolen!]


This time he raced after her, there wasn't a chance he would let her get away. He wasn't sure what the plan was with doing this over and over again, but if Kami had told her to do keep at it, there was a chance this would be a way for him to lose the fight. After all, even with Kami dead, he was still trapped in this world, and if he was being forced to follow its rules, that would mean he was vulnerable to its weaknesses, for now.

He was much faster that her, by a long shot. He extended his arm as he closed in on the girl. She was so close; he could clearly see the look of panic in her face as she turned around and his hand slowly inched closer.

"N-noooo!" Thief exclaimed in a panic.

God grasped down at her but was surprised to see someone else in the way. He had appeared out of nowhere. It was the man, the larger one he had knocked down earlier. His frame was comparable in size to his own, and his hand was now holding his wrist. He looked up to see the face of something he could only describe as a wild animal. The human characteristics were there, but his eyes and maddening expression were to basic to be coming from someone other than a beast.

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