Chapter 101- The Father

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His eyes shot wide open, and he instantly jumped to his feet and inhaled air as though he had been suffocating. His chest was pounding excessively for some reason he couldn't quite understand.

"Wha...shesh that's, wow." his words fumbled without any coherency on them.

He looked down at his hands and carefully examined the fingertips. It was all so dizzying, the idea of seeing things, strange, new in some way. Was it new? His breathing grew steadier, the sense of a foreign substance entering his mouth and nose. There was no smell to this place.

'Smell? Smell what was that? I don't quite...'

More than a few minutes passed while he gathered himself together. Eventually he inhaled one last heavy breath before he finally turned his attention to where he was. It was dark, everywhere around him, nothing in sight from what he could tell. His eyes adjusted to the concept of seeing things, but that was probably cause there was nothing much to see besides nothing but darkness.

"Hello!" he called out hoping to receive any sort of response.

He waited a few seconds, but nothing or no one seemed to come forth. His eyebrows furrowed, finding the idea of being alone more unnerving than having someone in this eternal pit of pitch-black answer.

'It's completely possible I'm alone. I would rather much- wait, where is here?'

He hadn't put too much thought into it at first, the sudden electrifying turrent of being poofed into existence had kept him occupied long enough not to question some other lacking information.

'Come to think of it...who am I?'

He glanced down at his hands once more as he clenched his hands and gently analyzed his movements.

'Hands, I know this because... I exist but how? Who?'

A small string of light in the distance broke him from the trance of thought as he looked straight ahead where he had seen the small sliver of silver line shooting straight upwards.

'That was...maybe someone's that way, I should check it out.'

He didn't give much thought; his body was already moving in the direction where he saw the light from. It had vanished almost instantly but he was convinced he would find something if he kept going this direction.

There was a couple of other things that brought his attention while he ran.

'Legs, helps you move faster, they feel funny. Shoes... sneakers. Pants as well, they're kind of comfortable actually. Shirt, white, it stands out against the darkness of this place. Where am I?'

As he contemplated these thoughts and more, he began noticing a silhouette, slightly more visible than the background of eternal darkness. This made his heart race, but not from fear but excitement.

'Someone else? I'm not alone!'

He stopped a few feet away from the silhouette, which he could now clearly see was a female, facing away from him staring up in the same direction where that stream had headed.

"Excuse me!"

The girl turned slowly, her expression showing disinterest in the person who stood in front of her. She was young looking, blonde hair that was tied in a bun and emerald eyes. They seemed lively despite her dead expression. Her outfit was a dark secretary one, as though she worked for some shady CEO in a offshore company in the middle of a crime infested city. The rim of her glasses gleamed despite the lack of light in the area.

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