Chapter 96- Acceptance.

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'How long has it been? It feels like times dragging on...Kami might want me to check if Chronos is...oh...he's dead...I guess it doesn't matter...'

For what felt like eternity she had been spending her time, starring down at Kami's face, whose head rested motionlessly on her lap. He looked as though he was just taking a nap, a short sleep. Any second, he would open his eyes, smile at her with his ridiculous innocent-like grin, and she would go off, letting him know how irresponsible it was to fall asleep like that it the middle of a crisis. That hope kept her from moving from this exact spot, hoping, begging it to simply be another of Kami's unneeded difficult plans. She would wait, as long as it took, not moving her eyes for the moment he would return. Of course, at this point, she was shuffling back between a state of denial and cruel acceptance, but was neither staying with one or the other.

Time passed, the sounds of clashing in the back were low hums of unimportant noise. Her true job was here, waiting patiently, and unyielding resolve to see her Creator live once more. It felt almost silly how rebellious she had been these past few weeks. Was Kami's death the thing to set her resolve to be the loyal Archangel she was meant to all along?

No, she had chosen to be by his side already, it wasn't that. This was just one more thing from a list of things to really hammer the nail in. A poorly chosen time to officially make her mind up for good. She ponder for a bit when the next doubtful moment would arise, such a weak thing emotions were. This was what Kami wanted her to learn? The state of being human, weak, powerless, a simple twig being washed down the stream of uncontrollable mortal psyche.

Her own weakness made her laugh in a broken tone like a toy who was giving its lasts muzzling noise in an attempt to bring joy to its user. It was weak and pitiful to hear. She composed herself, and silently continued her duty.

It wasn't until a hard grip on her shoulder that she realized there was a world around her. Even so, her gaze didn't move, but her senses awoke to the situation that was surrounding them. The clashing became clearer, explosions, punches, a voice roaring with anger, nothing she bothered to look at. It wasn't close enough therefore she had no intention of giving her attention elsewhere. The least she could tell was that this hand was a friendly one.

The person whose grip remained on her shoulder move around, his shadow covering Sayu's and Kami's image, drowning them from the light. He crouched, and his scent and appearance from the corner of her vision allowed her to recognized who it was.

It was Hiromichi, who for the first time in forever, was not yelling out uncontrollably.

"S-shit...what he going to be okay?"

Sayu couldn't be bother to answer honestly, her hand gently swept Kami's cheek and the dry itch inducing feeling of tears coming out swelled up inside her. There was no more to give, but nonetheless, it burned just as much. Hiromichi had come to break her fantasy, and reality set back in once more. If she could delve back into her illusions, maybe she could spend all of eternity sitting here, waiting.

That wasn't the case though, as Hiromochi began checking for signs of life coming from Kami.

She, who couldn't tolerate it, swatted Hiromichi's hand away from him and angrily looked up, breaking the last string of thread that was keeping her from reality.

"Get away! Don't touch him!"

"Tch...what the hell Sayu I'm just checking to see if he's okay!"

"Don't! Leave him be, please just leave him be...."

Her hand gently wrapped around the back of his head, the pouncing pain of loss settling in, creeping slower and slower, until it began chocking her from the inside.

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