Chapter 64- Delightful

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Kami stumbled through the unknown jungle as she coughed and took in deep breaths. She had been suddenly transported elsewhere after the countdown had reached zero and was now feeling incredibly weak. Her sight stopped on top of a message that read.

[Summoning Complete. Seal of Summoner Bondage Active.]

She coughed a few more times feeling dismayed before she collapsed onto the ground and continued to catch her breath.

[Status Bar]

Name: Kami



Title: Goddess of All/ Runaway Goddess

Class: God

HP: 0/72000

Stamina: 72000/72000

Mana: 72000/72000

Strength: 72000

Endurance: 72000

Intelligence: 72000

Dexterity: 72000

Charisma: 32

Wisdom: 72000

She closed her eyes and a meek laugh escaped her mouth. "Ouch...Healing Aura..."

An emerald tinted energy surrounded her while she laid peacefully without moving. She could feel her health returning slowly as the time advanced.


A voice suddenly caused her to snap her eyes open and raise her body towards it. She saw a shadowy figure a few feet away in dark cloak hiding its face. The feeling of dread was instantly recognizable.

The figure tried moving back and running away but Kami raised her hand before it could move and mumbled.


It couldn't resist as it loudly and with a heavy thud lowered its body onto the ground. It felt like its legs had become incredibly heavy and could no longer support it.

Kami slowly stood up as the aura continued to glow around her. She walked closely towards the figure who only lowered its head and gaze away from her.

"Hello, a reaper~! Oh, I'm so sorry I don't know you by actual name, do you have one?"


Kami's smile spread through her lips as she spoke softly. "Speak reaper, your name."

It felt a sudden urge to vomit as its voice forcefully came out. " have a name..."

"Oh? How sad, I'll call you Hoody for the time being, do you like it?"

Once again it only remained silent while Kami's gaze burned away at it.

"That was a very interesting experience, not only did I somehow drop to zero HP but it was definitely Creation energy that did this to me."

Kami glanced around her wrists and noticed a glowing gold glyph along with a small wrist chain tied around them. Whatever had brought her here, had used powerful creation energy to bind her. However, this would only work as long as she wanted it to, she could break through it whenever she felt like it. It might take a bit of time, but it wouldn't be too difficult.

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