Chapter 75- Dear Me

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"A little help here!" Thief yelled out as the beast swiped down with its claws. She dodged at the last second as the beasts' attack hit the ground beneath her, shattering it and causing the rubble to be blown into the air.

Thief raised her daggers, managing to weave her way between the monster's leg with her quick footwork. She swung up at the side but the Nian was just as quick

. It pushed itself off the ground into the air and away from Thief. Its next attack was already prepared as it hit the ground and a quick vein of fire sprouted from the ground and moved towards her.

She reached for one of the holsters in her belt and pulled a third dagger, instantly throwing it just at the end of the creature's attack. The dagger caused a small explosion, disrupting the beasts attack from advancing any further. Her eyes wandered over to Kami in a state of panic and saw her standing idly by, simply observing the fight without any intent to interrupt.

"Wh-" was all she could finish saying as the beast known as Nian launched itself at her once more, swiping down in a barrage of consecutive attacks that left very little breathing room for Thief to respond.

Kami carefully observed the back and forth between the Primal Beast and Thief. Her eyes seemed glued, somewhat entranced by the fight as the small Kami doll stared up at her.

"She's going to lose this, she might have the speed to match but in terms of strength, the Primal Beast has an advantage."

Kami closed her eyes and crossed her arms as she impatiently tapped her leg against the ground. She pulled up her passives and frowned at the sight. Her eyes hovered over the three passives she was the most worried about.

[Omnipotence LVL. Max]

[Omnipresent LVL. Max]

[Flawed Omniscience LVL. Max]

"Hmph, this is their fault, I can't see anything clearly anymore."

Her power to see every possibility was becoming hazed the more time passed. She had noticed it's limitations when she had turned them back on. Her Omniscience had morphed into this lesser version to match her new limitations. As she had explained before to Sayu, Omniscience only works because of the infinite number of timelines, in which each version of them lives in an entire world with different decisions and choices. That information gets passed through each version of themselves, giving them the infinite knowledge known as Omniscience. The only way to diminish this power, would be for the timelines to be taken down, cutting off the branch of their network, and diminishing their information. Kami, the one going through the multiple timelines, killing of the different versions of the Creator, was the one to blame for this short sight. It also didn't help that the Kami from this timeline was purposely keeping certain information hidden from them, making it nearly impossible to see the outcome he was trying to achieve.

"This is a tough one..."

Without the timelines, their Omniscience would work in a different manner. They would be able to see the outcomes, of every choice, but it was hard for her to see which outcome would lead to what. It was like a messy file room, with every possibility written down in paper, but disorganized and unreadable, to an extent.

All she could see was flashes of different situations. Some, where Thief slayed down the beast after a hard struggle battle, ones where the beast devours her after she loses footing near the edge of the mountain. Another where Thief, in her moment of despair runs off attempting to find a way out only to be met with a brief death. There, in another possibility, one where Kami manages to get Circe to calm the Primal Beast down. This was probably the one situation that they had wanted the most but instead had ended up here.

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