Chapter 48- Visiting Gorgraen

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Gorgraen found himself focused on the hot furnace in front of him. He had just acquired some iron, and was planning to make a number of weapons orders specifically by the King. It was a meticulous process that he took quiet seriously. Not a single flaw should befall these weapons which carried the weight of his name behind them.

Perhaps this is why he was surprised when he heard someone talk behind him.

"How interesting..."

He immediately jumped up and turned his attention towards the voice of the person the sound originated from. His heart skipped a beat as he let out a howl.

"Lad, you scared the knickers out of me! How did you get in here?!"

Kami's face beam at his reaction as he sat down in a nearby chair and responded.

"Teleported in essentially. Did I interrupt something?"

"D-did you interrupt something?! Lad, do you know what's been going on since you disappeared days ago?!"

"Hmmm, I unfortunately do, I know everything but do enlighten me."

"The Elven Kingdoms troops marched into our borders and are invading territory. We knew this would happen sooner or later we just didn't count for the fact that their soldiers are unkillable. The King has ordered a mass increase of weaponry and armament for his troops and I'm stuck providing countless weapons on a daily basis. I'm not the young Dwarf I used to be in the good old days this is an incredibly tiring experience lad!"

"Ahhh, yes that well, I still have to revive the people I suppose..."

Gorgraen expression turned into a confused one.

"What are you talking about lad?"

"Don't worry yourself about that for now, I come bearing news and gifts."

"We don't have time for that! You should be in the frontlines protecting the people. B-but wait here, use this sword, a personal-"

"Let me finish Gorgraen you might want to hear this."

He saw Kami's face was serious for a second. He had never really seen Kami taking a serious position on anything, he was usually curious or nonchalant about every situation. This is probably why he only nodded his head and waddled over to a seat as his gaze never left Kami's presence.

"What is it lad?"

"I...I made equipment for my team that wasn't yours I apologize."


"Yes I know, I made a promise and over the last few months we were here we enjoyed only and only from your gear but I..I'm so embarrased I apologize."

Gorgraen faced was stunned as he saw Kami's serious expression of regret.

Kami bowed lightly in an apologetic manner and smiled, his calm expression returning to his face.

"Is that all lad?! D-don't waste my time-wait, did you say YOU made equipment?"

"Yes. Once more, I am sorry. I will also make more so I must apologize for that as well beforehand, but good news is I come bringing you a gift as an extension of my guilty conscious."

Gorgraen was lost for words as Kami stood up from his chair and lifted his arm.

"Lad I really d-"

There was a flashing light that completely caught Gorgraen by surprise once again. He jumped from his chair only to falter and fall back on his rear onto the floor.

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